Marilyn Thornhill ~ Painkillers...(2)

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Marilyn watched everything while sitting a few steps away from you. She had her chin in her hands and her eyes were full of fear and desperation. You were still sitting on the floor, waiting for the painkillers to work.

When you could finally feel the pain lessening, you shifted your gaze to Marilyn only to see that she was already looking at you. When she saw you turning your gaze to her, she looked down at the floor and let out a deep sigh filled with sadness.

"You have questions. Won't you ask me?" you asked Marilyn calmly. She cringed at your abrupt speech, perhaps not expecting you to be the one to initiate the conversation. "I.. um.. are you feeling better?" Marilyn asked hesitantly. "Nice of you to ask, and yes I do. But I know that's not what you really want to know. So, I'll give you a unique chance to quiz me about it."

Marilyn inhaled deeply once more before turning to face you: "Okay, so.. How long have you been on alfentanil?" "Only two weeks." You chose to respond to her right away in an open and sincere manner. It was too late for any justifications any way. ,,Ok.. Why are you taking that? How-how can you even take that? I mean, this is one of the strongest narcotics I know! Why are you on narcotics anyway, do you want to kill yourself?!"

Now it was you who had to take a deep breath. "Marilyn, I think we'll get on better if I just tell you a little bit myself. So, for decent amount of time now I have had a indescribable pain. I'm not sure where it comes from. Sometimes it's just a headache, other times my arm goes numb and other times the pain is ripping through my whole body in a way that I'm not even able to move. Ibuprofen and other basic medications had been helping for a while, but the pain kept getting worse and worse until it became intolerable. Eventually I resorted to harder drugs and took fentanyl. But even that proved ineffective and didn't help anymore. So at some point I... resorted to alfentanil."

You took a moment to let Marilyn take it all in. She had been paying closer attention to you the entire time, and with each statement of yours, concern could be seen growing in her eyes. "But Y/n, fentanyl and alfentanil are not painkillers, they are narcotics! And the fact that you are completely aware of that simply makes matters worse."

You only nodded in agreement. Then you went on. "Anyway with alfentanil, I had finally discovered a treatment that had shown to be the most effective thus far. And in respond to your second question; 'how I can even take that without it turning me off completely,' I believe it has to do with the fact that some of my ancestors possessed superhuman abilities. Perhaps as a result, my body reacts to drugs differently than with normal humans. Oh and while we are talking about my ancestors, I think that they might could be the cause of my unbelievable pain. I don't know exactly why or how they occur, but I'm trying to find out."

Marilyn was fidgeting with her fingers, even more than before. You had the feeling that she wanted to say something else but didn't, out of concern for your response. ,,Y/n.. I think it might have less or... nothing to do with your ancestors. I rather believe it has mental origins. You put so much pressure on yourself, your hands are shaking all the time, and I this medication doesn't make it any better and you know that!"

Tears filled your eyes. Fuck, the drug always made you so sentimental as a shit right after taking it. Before you knew it, tears were streaming down your cheeks. Marilyn immediately rushed to your side, but hesitated before she touched you.

"May I hug you?"

You just nodded and then let yourself sink into her arms. She caressed your cheek with one hand and held you tightly around your arm with the other. You didn't fight back. Despite the circumstances, it was somehow a relaxing and calming moment. You could feel Marilyn's breath on your head; it was even and not shaking as much as before.

After a while you could hear Marilyn gasping, like she was about to say something but swallowed it at the last moment. "Marilyn.. what do you want to say?" She exhaled more deeply and you could practically hear her thinking. "Y/n I have a compromise," she didn't let go of her arm around you.

"I won't tell Headmistress Weems about the drugs and medicines, but in return I want you to work on not taking them anymore. And for that I offer you my help." She waited for an answer and unconsciously pulled you closer to her.

You swallowed. "It's just... so hard" A strong hint of suffer reflected in your tone. Marilyn laughed lightly, "I know Y/n, I know. But that's exactly why I'll help you if you want. I'm here for you.." Her words touched you and at the same time they hit you deeply.

Once more you let yourself fall into Marilyn's arms again and buried your nose in her hair. You only now noticed how good she actually smelled; She had a rose's wonderful, pleasent scent.

After emerging form your reverie, you calmy whispered into her ear. "It would mean the world to me if you would help me." You could hear Marilyn's relieved exhale and then felt a broad smile spreading across her face. She pulled away from you but still held your shoulders and looked at you deeply.

Embarrassed yet smiling you looked at the floor. "You have something else on your mind, don't you dear?" Marilyn now posed the query to you. You began to stutter.

"Well, I just don't know if I can, let alone want, to go back to my room. Yoko and Divina are staying in Enids room today, which means I would be all alone. Could you write me a passport that I can go to Jericho again? "

Marilyn walked to a closet but spoke to you before opening the closet doors. "Y/n I don't know if I want to let you walk around alone in this state.. and then Jericho too. How about we go together? I would take you with me in my car and we could go to the Weathervane and have a hot cocoa together."

"That sounds... actually great," you hesitated, then added quickly, "but I really don't want to cause you any trouble, I've done that enough already. I really can't ask you to do that." Marilyn laughed again and then opened the closet and took out two anoraks.

"You don't ask me, I offer it to you." She threw you one of the anoraks. "Well, I have time now, shall we go?"


I hope you all enjoyed the second part of the story:)

By the way I made some grammatical and literal adjustments to the first part.
So if you read it again and it's written differently, don't worry that was just me😅☺️

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