Chapter 1- Unwanted Crush

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Magpiepaw had never had romance in her life, which for her was pretty understandable, considering the fact that she was only nine moons old. And yet her mother, Hazelthorn, found it terribly confusing how her daughter had never had a crush or felt the urge to find a mate. Magpiepaw did try, to built a bond with every tom, and she-cat in the clan, but not a single one of them she wanted to be mates with.

"There are plenty of couples in StormClan that you take inspiration from, like..." Hazelthorn trailed off, scanning the nearly-deserted camp. Magpiepaw despised when she said that, about inspiration. Like if she gazed at two cats for long enough, she would suddenly find the perfect mate. "Well, there are no couples here right now, but soon the hunting patrol will-" "What about Littlefeather and Sagemoon?" Magpiepaw interrupted her, her tail twitching. As she regarded the cats that her daughter had noticed across the camp, her mother's nose crinkled up a subtle amount. The two gray she-cats groomed each other in the late afternoon sun as their their adoptive kits, Northkit and Iriskit played beside them. "Oh, no, sweetie," Hazelthorn said in an unnecessarily hushed, resentful voice. you shouldn't become like them. cats like them make the clan weaker. you'll find a lovely tom, I promise." Magpie frowned and was about to object, when as her mother predicted the hunting patrol returned. Her mentor Mintleaf, Wattlebranch, Silentsong and her apprentice Emberpaw made up the patrol.

Emberpaw was a ginger tom a moon older than Magpiepaw, and had a major crush on her. he was constantly trying to impress her, and once even fell in the lake trying to catch a fish for the she-cat. Emberpaw was charming and funny, and had lovely green eyes, but still Magpiepaw repulsed at the thought of becoming his mate. "Look honey, Silentsong and Wattlebranch have been together since they became warriors. and Lizardstrike and Wavecrash are still together when they're elders. maybe I can get them to tell you the story of how they fell in love..." Hazelthorn wandered over to the elder's den, and Magpiepaw felt an uncomfortable twist in her chest as she glimpsed Emberpaw strolling over to her.

"Hey, Magpiepaw," He announced as he approached her. "I was wondering if-" "Emberpaw!" the tom was cut off by his sister, Figpaw. "Mum wants to share a crow with you!" Emberpaw's Mum, Rainysplash, looked quite puzzled at this statement, but accepted her son as he reluctantly retreated from Magpiepaw. Figpaw swapped places with her brother and sat down heavily, uninvited, in front of Magpiepaw before taking a bite of the vole she was supposingly sharing with her. she spied Wattlebranch in the corner of camp, Silentsong facing him, both cats hissing and spitting remarks at each other. Perfect couple, huh? She turned back to face Figpaw after realising she was getting a concerned stare from her. "you're welcome," the gray tabby she-cat said after neither of them spoke. Anxiety churned through Magpiepaw as she contemplated whether to say something about Emberpaw or if Figpaw would take offense for her brother.

"He's horrible at romance, isn't he?" Figpaw finally remarked, breaking the silence. "Oh my gosh, yes. Yesterday he thought it was impressive that he could carry Northkit on his back, when Lorikeetkit can carry him plus his sister and she's five moons old," Figpaw bust into laughter. "he never knows when to stop, does he? I never understood how I'm better at winning over she-cats  than my brother. You deserve much better than him." I hope so, Magpiepaw thought sadly. maybe Figpaw would be the one she would became mates with, despite her mother's requests. she was pretty desperate to prove that she could have a mate and she wouldn't spend the rest of her life alone. "Yes," Magpiepaw answered. "I think I do,"

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