Chapter 8- StarClan

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In the three days that followed, Magpiepaw tried to take Elkheart's advice. She was already  decent at hunting, but her battle moves were lousy, because beating Lorikeetpaw wasn't exactly improving her skills. "Hey, Magpiepaw!" Figspot called, and ran over, skidding to a stop in front of her. "Fireflytail and I can train with you, if you want. We wouldn't want you to miss out on becoming a warrior!" That's what everyone's been saying. They probably think that I'm not good enough to become one. "Sure!" She responded. Fireflytail beamed. "Race you there!" The three cats dashed through the forest, desperate to be the first one to the training hollow. Figspot reached it first, followed by Magpiepaw, and Fireflytail came a few moments later, panting.

"I really hope I get Northkit as an apprentice," Figspot commented as they waited for Fireflytail to catch her breath. "He has so much energy. maybe one of you could get Iriskit, and we could train together." "If I ever do become a warrior," groaned Magpiepaw. "It feels like I've been an apprentice for moons. Northkit will probably become a warrior before me." Fireflytail scoffed and flicked an ear. "You'll be fine. I missed two birds in my assessment, and I was convinced I was going to stay an apprentice forever." Figspot grinned. "That was because you knew I was watching you, and you wanted to impress me, so you were nervous." Figspot remarked with a smirk. Fireflytail's face went through several stages of protest and agreement until finally she just pouted. "Thats not the point. Who wants to go first?" She changed the subject brightly.

Magpiepaw turned to Figspot. "Let's fight. Fireflytail, you be the judge." Fireflytail lay back and nodded. Figspot narrowed their green eyes as their mate counted down for the fight to begin. Magpiepaw leapt at Figspot, but they rolled away nimbly and swiped a sheathed gray paw in her direction. Magpiepaw ducked and swung her forearm under her opponent's legs, causing them to hit the ground. The two cats brawled until finally Figspot pinned Magpiepaw down and Fireflytail announced the winner. Figspot stuck their tongue out at Magpiepaw and delicately cleaned their face. Magpiepaw scowled, hiding her smile, and Fireflytail began to tell the apprentice what she was doing wrong. 

The two warriors lectured Magpiepaw, and continued to show her new moves and how to improve things, and by the end of it she was exhausted. It was almost sun-down when Magpiepaw returned to camp, and instantly noticed how the mood of StormClan was solemn. Cats were muttering to each other, and everyone looked worried. Instantly Magpiepaw approached Elkheart. "What happened?" she whispered, and Elkheart dipped his head. "You know how Shadestar is sick?" Magpiepaw nodded. "But that was just whitecough, right? is he okay?" Elkheart shook his head. "He's gotten worse. Lavendersong is with him now, and she's not sure he's going to make it. this is his last life." Concern rushed through Magpiepaw, and she looked around for her mother, before realising she was probably with her father. It was strange, to think that the Clan leader was so closely related to her. 

Lavendersong stepped out of the medicine den, and every head in StormClan turned to her. She dipped her head. "Shadestar has lost his last life, and hunts with StarClan now." Hazelthorn's brother, Mintleaf, was sobbing, but Hazelthorn remained emotionless, and walked stiffly over to her nest. Magpiepaw looked to Silentsong, and realised the gray tabby she-cat was going to be StormClan's new leader. "Silentsong and I will travel to the Creek of Stars to receive her name and lives shortly." Magpiepaw hung her head. Shadestar had been the leader for all her life, and probably most of her mother's life too. Now Silentsong would be leader, and It seemed so strange to know that he was gone. She remembered Starlingsong's ambition to become deputy one day, and felt a pang of sadness as she thought of her former friend's mischief, and the way her green eyes sparkled and she thought of a new devious plan.

She shook her black and white pelt as if shaking out the memories. Figspot lay down beside her. "I can't believe Shadestar is dead."  the two cats watched Shadestar's body be carried into the centre of camp, several clanmates cried and mourned the fallen leader. Magpiepaw knew that StormClan would go back to what she thought was normal. She had no idea how right she was.

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