Chapter 9- Hate

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Magpiepaw didn't hate Emberblaze. She really didn't. She had a feeling he thought she did, and she desperately wanted to prove him wrong. What she about to do, though, she knew would make him sure of it. Magpiepaw doubted he would forgive her, and felt horrible, because he seemed like he could be a great friend. She had a feeling he wouldn't accept her offer to be just friends, though, no matter how much she wanted to be. Oh, Emberblaze. I only want the best for you. I hope you can see that. Please don't hate me forever. It was just past sun-high, and she knew that soon she would have to go on a walk along the river with Emberblaze. 

She tried to imagine staying with him, but all she could see that resulting in was her own unhappiness. I'm being selfish, Magpiepaw scolded herself. But I have to do this. She saw Emberblaze's ginger head poke out of the warrior's den, and her heart almost burst in her chest as she saw how happy he was to see her.

"Magpiepaw!" The warrior called as he bounded over to her. Out of the corner of her eye, Magpiepaw saw Figspot stand up and narrow their blue eyes at their brother. Magpiepaw did a tiny shake of her head to her friend. I can do this by myself. I'll be happy. Magpiepaw repeated to herself. "Are you ready to go? I was thinking we could start by the WaveClan border, then walk up the river." The tom offered, and Magpiepaw took a short, sharp breath in. "Actually, Emberblaze... I don't think we should go out like this any more. You're great , but I could ever be your mate. I'm sorry."  Magpiepaw felt a small flurry of relief before it was replaced with guilt and anguish as she saw the disappointment and upset on the ginger warrior's face. 

"What? I thought... I thought we had something special. I was going to ask to be your mate, at your Warrior ceremony. But this whole time, you've been playing me and wasting my time." Embverblaze looked so upset, and It broe Magpiepaw's heart." Goodbye, Magpiepaw. I hope I don't see you later." As Emberblaze stormed off, Magpiepaw felt even worse than she thought she would. I just hurt his feelings. She thought anxiously. Part of his life is ruined because of me. How many others will I have to hurt until I figure out what's wrong with me?


"Magpiepaw? What happened? Why do you look sad?" Elkheart asked, concerned, after he returned from his patrol. Magpiepaw looked up at him, flinching as she saw Emberblaze scowling at her from the other side of camp. "I told Emberblaze we can't be mates, but now I feel horrible." Elkheart laid his tail on her shoulder. "Emberblaze will get over it, and he'll find someone else. Relationships don't always work out. My mother Cleardawn and Mintleaf had Starlingsong before I was born, and after they broke up Cleardawn moved onto my father Bearpatch. Emberblaze's life has just started, he'll find another she-cat." Magpiepaw nodded as she listened to the Warrior. 

"Attention!" The recently named Silentstar called, and leaped on top of the Leader's Perch. Magpiepaw and Elkheart turned away from each other and looked up at the leader. This is the first Clan meeting that I've seen that isn't lead by Shadestar. Magpiepaw realised sadly. "The time has come for me to pick a deputy. At the Creek of Stars last night, I received a similar sign from StarClan that Lavendersong did several sunrises ago. I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ansectors may hear and approve my choice. The next deputy of StormClan will be Elkheart." There was a stunned silence, and for a panicked moment Magpiepaw thought no one supportedwith Silentstar, but the camp erupted into cheers and congratulations. Elkheart's eyes were wide as he was surrounded by Clanmates, and he looked more than happy. Magpiepaw rubbed her head against his shoulder. "Congratulations, Elkheart. You deserve it." Magpiepaw murmured, and several cats did the same. 

Just after the cheering had died down, Twigbreeze burst through the camp entrance, every muscle in his body tense. "Twigbreeze?" Silentstar enquired, standing up. "What's wrong?" The tabby warrior took a moment  to catch his breath. "There's a loner." He panted. "On the border with the unclaimed territory. She's very pregnant, and it looks like she hasn't eaten in days. When we tried to touch her or ask her questions, she lashed out."

Silentstar looked nervous, but nodded, and leapt down from her perch. "Take me to her. Magpiepaw, Elkheart, and Loirkeetpaw, you come too. Emberblaze, take care of the camp while we're gone." Both Magpiepaw and Emberblaze looked surprised, but Emberblaze mainly looked smug.

The patrol dashed through StormClan territory, until they heard screeches coming from the border. "I can walk, stop trying to help me! I'm fine!" An awfully familiar voice yowled. As they came closer, the cat hissed as she noticed them. The black she-cat's fluffy pelt hung loosely on her skinny frame, her swollen belly swaying as she swiped a paw at Fireflytail clumsily. No, it can't be. Magpiepaw thought. The rogue whirled around, and suddenly Magpiepaw was staring directly into the once-sparkling green eyes of Starlingsong.

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