Chapter 10- Never Alone

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Not everyone resented Starlingsong when she walked into the camp after almost three moons of being a rogue. Her parents, Cleardawn and Mintleaf, were over the moon when they learned that their only daughter had returned. Elkheart was bitter, but Magpiepaw could tell he was secretly relieved to have his half-sister back. Silentstar returned to the Leader's perch to announce her clanmate's return. "Starlingsong has returned from her life as a rogue. she will stay with StormClan at least until her kits are old enough to hunt. We will not inform the other Clans of her arrival until the gathering in a quarter moon." Mutters spread through the Clan, some negative, others overjoyed.

"How do we know we can trust her?" Hazelthorn called out, and Magpiepaw's jaw dropped. How could she say that about her brother's kit? How could she not trust her own kin? "She's probably infiltrating StormClan and giving information to her rogue friends!" "That's ridiculous!" Hazelthorn's littermate Mintleaf put in. "My daughter would never do something like that." "She left us before! what's stopping her from betraying us again!?" Hazelthorn yowled, tabby fur fluffing up. "Hazelthorn." Silentstar growled sternly. "We can trust Starlingsong, and you will not decide her fate because you have a grudge against her. Meeting dismissed." The firmness in the leader's voice made Hazelthorn look ashamed, but Magpiepaw could see how she was still annoyed. 

The sun dipped below the horizon, and suddenly Magpiepaw felt very tired. She decided that before she went to sleep, she needed to talk to Starlingsong. When she poked her head into the nursery, she found Littlefeather and Silvermoon busily arranging a nest for the pregnant she-cat, while the four kits bounced around them and asked Starlingsong questions endlessly. "Are you busy? I wanted to talk to Starlingsong, but..." "No, no. we're just finishing. Take all the time in the world." Magpiepaw sat down beside her old friend, the wariness in the queen's eyes making her look seasons older than she was.

"Hello, Magpiepaw." Starlingsong greeted her. "I'm glad I was able to see you again. I thought that I would stay with Slash for the rest of my life." Magpiepaw wasn't sure what to say, and just nodded. "Do you remember Swanriver?" The apprentice asked, sighing. I wish I had known her. "Yes." Starlingsong responded. "She was great. Why do you want to know about her?" Magpiepaw looked at her paws. "I think I'm like her. I can't take a mate." To her surprise, Starlingsong smiled. "That's why I'm your friend. Or... was. because you don't need a stupid mate, who's just going to leave you, and only love you for the kits you carry. You can just be... you. with no strings attached, and all of your loyalty devoted to your friends, and not wasted on a tom." Magpiepaw laid her tail over her cousin's. "Thanks, Starlingsong. I think I'll go now." Starlingsong nodded, and Magpiepaw could feel her watching her as walked away, and she  felt a tiny bit happier.


Magpiepaw blinked open her eyes, surprised to see the luscious grass surrounding her. "Hello?" she called into the forest, before realising it was speckled with stars. "Is this StarClan? Did I die?" Laughter came from behind her, making her jump. Out of the trees strolled a beautiful, fluffy white she cat with glistening amber eyes. "No, Magpiepaw. You aren't dead." "How do you know my name? Who are you?" Magpiepaw asked, still suspicious. Why would a StarClan cat come to her, and not Silentstar or Lavendersong? "I am Swanriver. You've heard of me, I've been watching you. ever since you were very young, I could see how different you were." "Why?" the apprentice asked incredulously. How was she special? And why did she come to her in her dreams? "Because I love you." Swanriver said simply. She laughed again at the face Magpiepaw made.

 "Not like that. I love your kindness, and the love you give, and most of all I love how similar we are." Magpiepaw blinked. "Do-do you know what's wrong with me?" Swanriver smiled. "I thought that too. There's nothing wrong with you, Magpiepaw. But I know how you feel, because I'm the same. We hate romance, can't take a mate, and we exist. and there are others like us. you're not abnormal." Magpiepaw's eyes widened. "What am I?" "You're asexual, Magpiepaw. Not everyone will accept you, and probably not Hazelthorn, at least at first. But your mother, and others, will have to learn to accept you, it'll just take time. Now, you're going to wake up soon, but I can say a few things." Please don't go.  Magpiepaw thought desperately, but stayed quiet. You need to find the cats who will stick by your side, and you'll have to be strong. Goodbye, Magpiepaw. I hope you can find the right kind of love to give." 


When Magpiepaw woke up, Starlingsong had given birth. Lavendersong said it was a miracle that she had come to StormClan, because it was possible Starlingsong could've died during kitting. As soon as she walked into the nursery, Starlingsong staggered to her feet to press her body against her. Startled, Magpiepaw blinked but didn't pull away. "Elkheart told me what happened to Blossompaw. I'm so sorry I wasn't there." Magpiepaw gave a weak smile. "How are the kits?" Starlingsong's tired eyes brightened. "Great! There's a tom and a she-cat." Two tiny bundles of fur squeaked and mewled for their mother back, and Starlingsong lay back down. "The ginger tom is Raykit, and I was thinking of naming the black and ginger she-kit... Blossomkit." Magpiepaw gasped as she gazed at the tiny black she-kit, her ginger patches so similar to Blossompaw's. "Thank you." She murmured. "Frogspots wanted to see you." Starlingsong informed her. Magpiepaw touched her nose to her friend's shoulder, and then to both of her kits. 

Frogspots approached her, beaming. "I think you're ready to have your warrior assessment." Magpiepaw's eyes widened. "Really?" Frogspots nodded. "I think you're ready." "Okay, one second," Magpiepaw dashed of to where Fireflytail and Figspot were sharing a piece of prey. "I'm having my final assessment today!" she announced happily. "That's great!" Fireflytail exclaimed. "You deserve it," Figspot put in. "Good luck! Go catch the biggest rabbit in the forest." Magpiepaw managed to smile even more, and ran to Frogspots, who was talking to Flintshard. "I'm ready. Let's go."


Anxiety churned inside Magpiepaw as she saw Frogspots emerge from the trees. had she done well? Would she get her name today? Relief washed though her as she saw that her mentor was smiling. "Congratulations, Magpiepaw. You passed!" Magpiepaw grinned. Finally, she could be a warrior, just like her friends. As she walked back to camp, she was practically bouncing on her feet with happiness. Finally, Everything was working out. She was becoming a warrior, and she figured out her sexuality, which was something she had never heard of. 

"Elkheart! I passed my assessment!" Elkheart smiled warmly. "Congratulations! I'll tell Silentstar." Moments later, the leader emerged from her den. She called the meeting, and Figspot gave her an excited look as she came from her den, and Magpiepaw gave them one back. "Magpiepaw has completed her final assessment and will revive her warrior name. Magpiepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" Magpiepaw took an excited breath in. "I do."  "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your Warrior name. Magpiepaw, from this day on you will be known as Magpieflight. We honour your determination and strength, and we welcome you as a full warrior of StormClan."

"Magpieflight! Magpieflight! Magpieflight!" The new warrior's green eyes glowed as StormClan chanted out her new name. Figspot and Elkheart pressed against her, smiling just as much as Magpieflight. Hazelthorn approached her, looking just a smidge proud and happy. "Congratulations, my daughter. Now that you're a warrior, you can finally take a mate and have the kits that I-you dream of." Magpieflight saw disgust and annoyance flicker across Figspot's face, and inwardly she felt the same. "Actually, Mum, about that... last night, I got a visit from Swanriver." Hazelthorn instantly stiffened, happiness disappearing  from her face. "Don't listen to anything she says. I would never want you to turn out like her, alone and without kits or anyone to love."

 "But I want me to!" Magpieflight shouted louder than she had intended. "Just because I don't have a mate doesn't mean I can't love anyone. She came to me, and told me that just like her, I'm asexual. It means I can't have the perfect kits you want me to. But I can still love Figspot, and Elkheart, and you." The shock in Hazelthorn's eyes almost made Magpieflight smirk. "It's not a sexuality, it being stubborn. Come back and talk to me when you've changed your mind." 

Magpieflight felt like she had been hit in the stomach with a boulder. Tears welled in the back of her eyes, and she scowled when they dropped down her face. Figspot pressed against her and twined their tail with hers supportively. "It's okay. Elkheart and I will be with you, even if she isn't yet." Elkheart nodded, and Magpieflight felt better. She remembered what Swanriver had said, about it taking time for her mother to face reality and embrace the facts. Starlingsong emerged from the nursery, and asked questions and offering support. Eventually, her tears stopped. It didn't matter if one cat didn't accept her yet, because she had her amazing friends. Love could mean different things. Magpieflight didn't need to love someone romantically, because she knew she loved her friends and her cousin just as much. She also loved Figspot, because she knew they would be with her during whatever she went through, and would be just as, if not more, loyal as a mate. They would love her, no matter what, and in the best ways. And sometimes to be happy, that's all you need.

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