Chapter 6- Forgiveness

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Magpiepaw woke up to the sound of gentle sobbing. her green eyes flickered open, and she crept silently out of the apprentice's den, which felt empty with Lorikeetpaw being the only other cat. Blossompaw would have been so happy for you. She thought somberly as she gazed back at the tortoiseshell apprentice for a moment. As quietly as she could manage, she slipped through the brambles to behind the warrior's den, where the sound was coming from. Through the branches, cloaked in shadows, was the striped tabby head of... Elkheart? Was it him? "Elkheart?" She whispered into the darkness. Maybe she was wrong, maybe it was Spruceneedle or Twigfall- "Yes?" The cat called back, in a voice that was definitely Elkheart's. 

"Are- Are you okay?" she asked, slipping through the thorny bush to sit beside him. "Not really." He whispered back, his voice hoarse. Magpiepaw gently laid her tail over his. Silence fell over two cats, for once not filled with hatred or disgust. It was just... comforting. "Elkheart?" Magpiepaw inquired gently. "Yes?" "Just... you know I'm here for you, right? If you ever need me. for anything." Elkheart has quiet for a moment, before answering. "Thanks, Magpiepaw. I've just been going through some things. I feel like I'm going to let Lorikeetpaw down. Blossompaw was my best friend, and ever since..." he trailed off and looked at his paws. "I'm figuring out some stuff," Magpiepaw guessed what he was thinking of.

"Twigfall?" She guessed, and he replied with a small nod. "I know what you mean. I've been figuring out some things too." Elkheart looked slightly surprised at the statement, but didn't question it. "Hey, I'm sorry for how our relationship was during your apprenticeship," Magpiepaw apologized. "I'm sorry for what happened to Blossompaw. I know you really did love her. She loved you too." Elkheart nodded. "I'm sorry too. Can we just be friends, now? Put it all behind us? I'll try not to be so smug." He added with a smile. Magpiepaw gave a small laugh, and noticed that Elkheart had stopped crying. "Deal." Elkheart's dark green eyes gleamed in the dark, for once showing an emotion for her apart from disgust or hatred. The two cats sunk into the grass, and despite Magpiepaw's anxiety for going hunting with Emberpaw the nest day, lying there with Elkheart made her feel slightly more relaxed.


Magpiepaw woke at dawn, and slipped out of the brambles, careful not to wake the exhausted Elkheart. Though the walls of the den, she could see Emberblaze rearranging his nest, humming happily. She gazed at the ginger tom, wishing she was as happy as him. He turned to her, and she could see how his face lit up when their eyes met. "Hey, Magpiepaw!" He called to her, and smiled as he came out of the den to greet her. "Are you ready?" No. Magpiepaw said inwardly, but she just smiled and nodded. "Yep! let's go." 

The pair pushed their way through the camp exit and they padded on in a silence that, at least for Magpiepaw, was horribly awkward.  Emberblaze crouched down, and Magpiepaw guessed he had spotted prey. He crept forward, and she spotted the prey he was aiming for; a magpie. The ginger tom pounced, and landed directly on the magpie, cleanly snapping its neck. Magpiepaw shuddered as the magpie gave a squawk of alarm, and she tried to convince herself it wasn't an omen. 

Emberblaze picked up the bird, looking proud. "Good job," She congratulated him. He looked flustered, but just gently cleaned his face. "Your turn next." Magpiepaw nodded, and they plodded on until she found a mouse. She slid forward, but she felt terribly uncomfortable with Emberblaze watching her like a hawk. Magpiepaw pounced, but landed short of the mouse, and Emberblaze was there to divert it back to her. She killed it, and the tom purred, rubbing his head against her shoulder. This is what Blossompaw used to do to Elkheart, she realised, and thought of how the couple always agreed they were going to be mates. Does he like me that much? Does he think I like him like that too, because I agreed to go hunting with him?

"I'm going to head back," Magpiepaw announced suddenly, turning away from Emberblaze. He looked dejected, and stepped towards her. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked, concerned. "No, no," she insisted slightly too quickly. "I'm just tired. I might have a rest." She started walking away, and Emberblaze followed her. "Here, have the mouse. It might help energize you!" He seemed so enthusiastic, and slightly desperate. Oh, Emberblaze. This isn't about me being tired. Its not even about you. And as the realisation hit her, Magpiepaw thought the thing she hadn't been able to properly comprehend. I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life.

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