Chapter 4- Rogues

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Nova's ominous words still echoed in Magpiepaw's head as the patrol retreated back to camp. "I was so close to clawing that tom's face off, but then Shadestar had to come and rescue us." Figpaw complained, scowling. Magpiepaw snorted. "Are you seriously complaining about your clan saving your life?" "Yes." Figpaw replied, pouting. "That rogue almost almost hurt Fireflytail! What if he had- he had hurt our clanmates?" Magpiepaw raised an eyebrow as the gray tabby hastily changed her sentence. 

"If there's something going on between you and her, you can tell me, and I would be completely fine with it, okay?" Magpiepaw reassured her friend. "There is nothing happening between Fireflytail and I." Figpaw said politely but firmly, still looking away from Magpiepaw. "Uh huh," Magpiepaw murmured. "Nothing." 

"What's nothing?" Fireflytail asked, coming up suddenly beside Magpiepaw. "It doesn't matter. I heard you two were fighting a rogue. Did he hurt you?" Magpiepaw changed the subject for the sake of her friend. "Only a cut," Fireflytail replied, showing a small slice on her shoulder. "We almost had him, didn't we, Fig?" Figpaw nodded silently, and Magpiepaw noted how Fireflytail used a nickname for her. "What's wrong?" Fireflytail asked sadly, nudging Figpaw. "Did I do something? Did someone say something to you?" She quickly shook her head in response. "I'm just tired. I'll see you guys later!" Suddenly Figpaw dashed off, putting on one last burst of speed to reach the approaching camp entrance. 

The two she-cats sat in the lush grass underneath an oak tree. Fireflytail looked at her paws. "Do you know what's wrong with her? She doesn't seem herself lately." Magpiepaw nodded in agreement. "I think something's bothering her." "Same with my brother. I'm glad he's finally making a proper friend, though. Twigfall and Elkpaw have so much in common, and Elkpaw is helping him be less anxious." Magpiepaw realised Elkpaw and Twigfall were walking in their direction, and flicked her ears towards them, and she ducked slightly in the grass so they wouldn't see her. "Lightningfrost says that because I was so responsible in the battle, I can do my warrior assessment today and become a warrior tomorrow!" Magpiepaw tried not to make any sound as to not give away her eavesdropping. 

Twigfall broke out into purrs and rubbed against the apprentice's shoulder. "That's amazing! we can finally be warriors together!" Fireflypaw smiled, also looking at the two toms. "I think Twigfall has finally figured some things out about himself." Fireflytail remarked, and as Magpiepaw watched the cats embrace happily, their tabby fur blending together, she agreed with her.


"Rogues! Rogues in the camp!" Screams. The mewling of panicked kits. The smell of blood. A blurry moonlight-dappled den, and a cat tackling Magpiepaw to the ground. Still half-asleep, she swiped her claws at her attacker in a daze. Suddenly, the cat released his grip on her and raced... into the nursery. Newfound power and adrenaline surged through Magpiepaw and she hooked her claws into the rogue's pelt, flinging him away from the kits. The battle surged on, and Magpiepaw's wounds stung horribly. Blood crusted her fur as she slashed though a tom's pelt, then spun to snap at a tabby's leg. Exhaustion made her want to crumple to the ground, but she pushed on as dawn grew nearer. 

Magpiepaw gave a hiss as the black tom she was fighting pinned her to the ground, his claws digging mercilessly into the apprentice's shoulders. A shriek from nearby distracted her, and she turned her head to see Blossompaw also pinned to the ground by a white she-cat, both of them covered in blood. The rogue had a manic look in her green eyes as her claws tore at Blossompaw's exposed underbelly. the apprentice looked weak, and her eyes were going foggy. the white cat had practically tore her whole stomach open, her paws and belly fur clotted with blood not her own. 

Magpiepaw cried out desperately, but all she could do was watch as Blossompaw's life was slowly drained out of her. "Blossompaw!" She exclaimed, tears blurring her vision and pain flowing through her body. Finally, Blossompaw's eyes glazed over, the life leaving her bloodstained body.

"No!" Magpiepaw heard Elkpaw screech as he raced towards her. She used the opportunity of the black tom being distracted for her to kick him off her and race towards her friend. Soon Figpaw and Brightstreak, Blossompaw's mother, joined them, and they swarmed over Blossompaw's murderer. Within what seemed like moments the white cat was dead. 

"Retreat!" Yelled Nova, and the crowd of unwanted cats stormed out the entrance. Magpiepaw noticed her mother staring at her and the cats gathered around Blossompaw, with a look of disgust and disappointment in her green eyes. StormClan was silent as golden rays of sunlight glinted on the patches of blood staining the sandy camp floor. The silence was broken by a wail from Brightstreak, and soon Elkpaw joined, and Magpiepaw. 

Tears welled at the back of Magpiepaw's eyes, but she could no longer cry. Every bone in her body ached, but her muscles were rigid. The grief and guilt overwhelmed her, her throat tight and legs trembling. The slash on her hind leg bled and stung, but she couldn't feel it. Numb. that's how she felt. She tried not to look back at her mother, desperate not to see her disappointed face again. At last, when the sun had fully risen, did she lie down. Elkpaw pressed against her, also trembling. She tried not to listen as the warriors told the kits and elders of what had happened after they came out of their hiding place. She tried to block out the name, the name of the cat that would never again breathe, laugh, or or have the kits that she dreamed of. Blossompaw, Blossompaw, Blossompaw. Blossompaw was gone, and it was all her fault.

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