Near Death

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Summary: After Axel's attack, an earthquake happens. When Tyler smells an injured Kat, will he come to her rescue? If so, can he save her life, since Axel severely injured her?

It was a dismal night in the woods, as a human Kat lay on her back. She could feel the ground vibrating, but that wasn't the cause of her injuries. She'd been found after a few centuries by Axel, a wolf she'd made an enemy out of. He's been a kid, so she hadn't harmed him. She'd been a baby vampire, so she hadn't learned control yet. And so, she'd killed most of his pack, creating an enemy at a later date. Elijah had forced him to leave once, but now, it seemed, Axel would finally get his wish. She was quite injured from his claws and bites. The vibration and noises told her there was an earthquake. She couldn't and didn't dare move, though. She was sure she would die soon, but death would be kind. She'd been in hell all summer. At least the pain would end if she died.

Tyler got to his feet after the earthquake, about ten minutes later, give or take. That's when he smelled the overwhelming scent of blood. He knew Katherine was human now, so the combination of blood and this quake made him assume she was hurt. Maybe worst.

After a couple of minutes of debating, he blurred towards the scent, only to see a destroyed amulet and dead wolf under a fallen tree. He then saw her half under some debris.

He blurred over to her, before putting his arms under hers, pulling her gently from and safely a distance away. He then gently layed her down, before kneeling at her side. He could see that she'd been severely injured by a wolf, telling him why there was a dead wolf.

He took his jacket off, applying pressure to her lower stomach wound, and rested his free hand on the side of her face.

"Katherine?" he called to her. "Come on. I need you to wake up. Can you open your eyes for me? Open your eyes if you can hear me."

After a few minutes of no response or movement, and knowing she'd lost a lot of blood, he gently picked her up. He didn't know how long she'd been like this, but he knew this was really bad. She was very pale with slow breathing.

About fifteen minutes later, he rushed into the hospital with a barely breathing Katherine.

She didn't know how long she'd been in the woods before help had found her, but she knew he'd saved her. He wouldn't be seated on her bedside if he hadn't.

She gave a smile.


"You're welcome," he replied.

Tyatherine (Tyler/Katherine)Where stories live. Discover now