Bloodletting (5th revised version)

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Summary: Set in Originals S1 "Bloodletting." Kat gets a run in with the new hybrid in the cabin and gets attacked. Will she be found and saved in time?

It was a beautiful day in the bayou. She'd heard about the pregnancy, but she was only there to stay in the bayou where the wolves could protect her. She knew most of them as friends.

When she was by a cabin, she saw someone and opened the door, walking in to investigate. That's when she realized the person was a new hybrid.

Suddenly, before she knew it, her back was against the wall, him viciously tearing into the side of her neck. Despite the pain, unlike most humans, she didn't voice her pain.

Tyler, after he'd unsuccessfully had tried to kill Klaus and had threatened Hayley, as well as had created a hybrid with Klaus' unborn child's blood, Tyler headed back to the cabin. His plan had failed, so he was planning on leaving town. He had a newly created hybrid to deal with first, though.

Half a distance away from the cabin, he stopped, smelling the mixture of the hybrid and an injured human Katherine. She'd left town after Nadia had died, so no one knew where she was. Now she was apparently here. Sure, he hated what she'd done as a vampire, but no one deserved to be killed by something supernatural. Plus, Katherine was right, even if he didn't want to admit it. If it weren't for her, he would've continued being who he'd been before he'd triggered the werewolf. He owed her at least a little. The only thing was how to save her, since he knew she couldn't digest vampire blood.

As everything began to dim, she saw Tyler, the one person that usually wouldn't save her. Then she didn't feel the hybrid tearing into her, and she felt the floor.

A few minutes later, she blurrily saw Tyler rip out its heart. Then, as her vision began to go gray, she saw him at her side.

After he succeeded in ripping out his heart, he was instantly knelt at her side. He knew it wasn't good. She was starting to go under.

He looked around at the cabin for something he could use to try and stop the bleeding. Then he saw some cloth on the floor, so he used that to apply pressure to her wound, as he thought of what to do. Although Elijah cared about her, he didn't want to ask any Originals for help. That, and he usually liked to solve situations on his own.

"Hang on, Katherine. Stay with me."

He looked around to see some leftover of Klaus and Hayley's unborn child's blood in the syringe he'd used earlier to make the hybrid, so he grabbed the syringe, knowing the baby was special. He figured the child's blood could heal her, so he injected the last of the child's blood into the now human Katherine.

After a few minutes, the wound healed, which he was glad for. After the life she'd led as a vampire, she didn't deserve to die from getting fed on by a hybrid. Although she was healed, she wasn't awake, but since he knew she was alive, he knew she'd live. She'd just need the blood she lost restored at the hospital when he got to the closest town that had a hospital.

About five hours later, give or take, when she woke up, she was healed and felt like herself. She also was in a bed. She realized then that she was at the Lockwood house. That's when she knew that her saver was Tyler. Especially, with him seated on her bedside.

She slowly sat up in bed.

"You saved me. Thanks."

"Well, you didn't deserve that. Besides, that was my mistake to take care of. Feeling better?" he replied and then questioned.

"I am. Thanks," she answered him. She knew when he said it was his mistake to take care of, she knew that hybrid must've been his responsibility.

"You're welcome."

So, in the end, she lived to see yet another day.

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