no vampire can love a human.

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Based off of roleplay with -duckyD0nna-nna
Vampire Cross x human (?) Nightmare

( Cross's point of view only btw)

Cross POV:

It happened again... Nightmare died.
'No...' I thought as I shook his dead body

Cross: - "N-Nightmare wake up..."

No response...

Cross: - "h. Hey..." I started to tear up

Ink: - "come on now Cross. As my husband you should not care about the fact that I killed him. Let's go back to castle we have lot of stuff to talk about." Said Ink as I felt a huge amount of rage in me

Cross: - "should not care?... I SHOULD NOT CARE?! YOU KILLED HIM ONLY BECAUSE HE TRIED TO SAVE ME FROM DOING SOMETHING I DID NOT WANT AND MADE WORD TO DO." Ink looked like he would shout back but instead he told guards to take me to my room until I was back to my normal careless act I've pulled on for serval days now...
I screamed, shouted for them to let me go, I could heal him yet... mom thought me magic... but to no avail...


Darkness capture me and break my bones, make me cry out in pain. Reverse the time, reverse the pain and bring who used to be mine...

I read the spell mother thought me once I was younger and when she still used to be alive, out loud, it was perfect timing... nightlight wich was filled with stars and full moon.




Room suddenly started shining golden as my necklace joined in too, I closed my eyesockets and once I opened them again I saw him... i was in city outside the forest where we met second time. It was such joy for me to see him again but I had to act cold now. I can't loose him again.. after a bit of time we dumped into each other as my glasses fall off and me and him fall down
I got up and helped him up too

Cross: - "watch where you are going next time." I said trying to be rude as possible so he would hate me and not try to get in the way of what is meant to happen.

Nightmare: - "right, sorry about that." He replayed as I started to walk away from him after grabbing my glasses and putting them on as he held my hand to stop me.

Cross: - "let go!" I said as I pushed my hand away from his

Nightmare: - "wait! I want to know where my crew is. Please tell me, they are like my children..." he said as I frowned. Right, this happened then. act rude Cross... it's for the best.

Cross: - "none of your business. Now if you excuse me." I said as I gave a slight bow and walked away after back in woods, I could see his sad face wich made my heart feel like it was burning with guilt and pain, I hated that look on his face so much. I sighed. 
'Don't worry Nightmare. They are going to come back.' I thought to myself as I walked away.


And after five days I managed to get the gang out secretly once i gathered enough blood to let us vampires live for around like a month if not less. Not to mention I still need to save Nightmares twin from the king of the vampires in this country. Now that will be a huge risk. I sighed thinking on way out for Dream. He does not deserve such treatment from Lust...

Epic: - "you good bruh?" Asked Epic, looking at me with concerned look on his face.

Cross: - "yeah. I'm fine!" I said, lying. I'm not fine. I am tired from everything. My assigned marriage, fact that I can't be with one I love only because we are different species, the fact that I'm next king of all Spain vampires. It's just... really lot to take in, I still had some faith in humanity. But not anymore. I'm tired.

Epic: - "you sure are not fine bruh I can see it on your face." He said looking worried as I frowned and sighed trying to put it simple way.

Cross: - "I'd rather not talk about it." I said as he putted his hand on my shoulder in a reassuring way.

Epic: - "if you say so bruh. Just so you know I'm here, also make sure to not loose that necklace bruh you know what happens when you will." He reminded me as I nodded and smiled.

Cross: - " will do dude! Thank you for  hiding my secret." I said as he gave me a small smile

Epic: - "of course bruh!" He replayed


Ok. Dream is here, everyone is asleep, only one thing I need to do is unlock those chains around Dream and sneak out the castle. I know I am putting Dream and myself in danger but, I had to give Nightmare the life he deserves. A happy life, best way possible tough I will not be part of it... I can't! He might die cause of me again... I looked at Dream who was asleep hugging himself his face filled with scars and bruises I felt bad for him, he does not deserve this.

Cross: - "pssst... Dream! Wake up" I wisper yelled at him while slightly shaking him for a bit due to his fear that actives up when his begin touched for more then one minute thanks to things Lust does. I gave slight growl at the thought wanting to punch his ugly face badly but I can't yet.
Dream slowly started to wake up, once seeing me his eyes lit up with joy, I had a broken peice of glass in my hand that would fit the locket of the chains.

Dream: - "D-Dream can't go... Cross and Dream will be in trouble..." Dream mumbled quietly, but, loud enough for me to hear.

Cross: - "sh... we won't just stay silent..." I said and once the chains were off of Dreams wrist and legs I picked him up after giving him warning of my next move, Dream looked scared but was trusting me on this. I ran fast and within 5 minutes I was at the door of Nightmares castle. I puted Dream down and knocked on the door was opened by a person with a hood on.

Cross: - "we would like to see Nightmare. If his in here." I said as the person gave a nod and went to probably call Nightmare. We went after as told waiting  there Dream looked scared so I gave a reassuring smile

- "Lust won't hurt you anymore... I promise." I said as Dream nodded and stayed close not wanting to do anything bad. I suppose I'll still have to go back so my kingdom and Lusts kingdom will have a deal on this. I do not want him as our ally but there is no other choice by now.


TBC because this is long around 1000+ words part 2 will be out stay tunned!

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