meant to be! <3

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A/N: Hello everyone! Onyx here! Just wanna say i gained some motivation for this ship again thanks to the ship drawings that were far too cute to ignore so ye. Also requests are and were always open so you can request any type of stuff aside from lemon thanks for reading this small A/N now I'll say type and what AU i will be using and start the story. Enjoy! ♡


End of a/n


Ship type: yandere Cross x Nightmare

Type:  angst

AU type: High school students

Based off of a song: psychogram  (Vocaloid) cover by Rachie


Near alternate High, Someone stepped out of a black BMW car. They wore black shirt, white jacket, black shorts with white stripes on the sides, golden heart locket on there neck, there eye lights begin white and red.
Person took a deep breath feeling everyone's eyes on themselves as they stepped into the huge building... Inside was lot going on... a guy had someone pinned against the lockers, asking for money. Some were just chatting. Suddenly the bell rang signalizing it's time for the class. Everyone stoppted what they were doing and went to there classes, Cross doing the same.

Once the class was over Cross was sitting at the lunch table as someone sat next to him.

???: - "hello! I'm Dream! I heard you are new in this school so i tought it' d be best if you knew who to and who to not talk to in here." Dream said as they gave a gentle smile.

Cross: - "sure?" Cross said rather confused as to how Dream knew or heard that news fast. And Dream seemed like he read that emotion out of him.

Dream: - "my talkative friend said you and him are in same class." Dream said Cross saying an oh now getting how Dream knew him.

Cross: - "I see.. I am Cross. Nice to meet you." Cross said as Dream smiled brightly and started to explain everything about the alternate high.


  During races Cross met Dreams other friends Ink and Blue. He also heard that there was a gang of five that he should stay away from. One of them begin Dreams twin who was the "meanest jerk along with his friends" as Dream said. Cross exused himself to the bathroom where he heard some voices.

???: - "this is annoying! Can we just actually do something fun like bully others or something?" Groaned a person who had slightly deep voice.

???: - "chill Nighty boss hoss! It'll be fun" replayed by another person.

Nightmare: - "are we done yet?" Groaned the person as other one replayed with yup sound. Just then they heard a cough.

Council: - "boys. Why are you not in the class by now? Bell had already rang by now." Said the council crossing there arms. They wore a blue uniform with red tie like rest of others.

Nightmare: - "not your buisness." Said Nightmare as person sighed.

Council: - "Nightmare Joku. You are failing all your classes and so are rest of your group. You need to attend to classes best you can." Said the Council as Cross interrupted.

Cross: - "actually they were told they are free to walk around freely here is the check of proof." Cross said and handed out the paper wich the student council took and read it, sighed and left them alone.

???: - "wow... that was cool!" Said a person with black liquid coming out of there eye sockets.

Nightmare: - "I guess so." Nightmare sighed and rolled his eye light.

???: - "he should join us!" Said the person who had hole in there head.

Cross: - "wait, really?" Asked Cross confused as he joined in the conversation. Nightmare looked at Cross up then down, taking details before sighing his tenticals behind him twitching with annoyance.

Nightmare: - "hmm... I Don't see why not, his pretty avrege for our group." Said Nightmare rolling his eyelight.


  2 months had passed ever sence Cross joined the group and by now he was one of the most popular guys in school. Prom was near and to be honest, Cross wasn't planning on going. He was now heading down to the cafeteria where he would meet the group. Students would give him looks. Some were wispering, some would blush, some gave him disgusted faces and more.
  Cross learnt to not mind it as he opened the door to the cafeteria. Everything went silent, as he stepped in cafeteria with rest that were behind him who... he did not notice... Cross and all of them were chatting. Mostly the others did, Cross did not even said a word. He was in toughts until someone made him snap out of it.

Night: - "Cross?" Nightmare looked at Cross as Cross gave out an yelp and replayed with a simple yes.

Killer: - "ya alright buddy?" Asked Killer as Horror finished for him.

Horror: - "you were zoned out."

Cross: - "oh, um... I'm alright!" Cross said as Nightmare raised a "brow" but shrugged.

Nightmare: - "I was wondering if you are coming to the prom." Nightmare asked as Cross replaied with a no.

Dust: - "that's a shame. Nighty boss here wanted to ask ya out on a date." Dust smirked as he got a death glare from Nightmare and a fluttered face by Cross.

Cross: - "I uhh.. I'll think about it." Cross smiled a bit.


It was a wrong move for Nightmare to even concern thinking about gaining crush on Cross. He was now in his passive from, tied up on a chair at who-knows-where. He was wishing someone would found him but it was a useless wish.. soon enough someone stepped in the dark room the hald open door making the light spread in the place... there stood a black and white figure wich got close slowly. Then it stoppted next to Nightmare.

Cross: - "hi love." Cross smiled gently, bent down and held Night's chin gently. Cross got up and took off the tape off of Nightmare's mouth.

Nightmare: - "Cross what the f-(:?!" Nightmare grolwed as Cross puted his finger on Nights mouth as a signal to stop talking.

Cross: - "I did it to protect you..." Cross said softly before removing his finger away from Nightmare.

Nightmare: - "protect me from what?!" Nightmare growled as Cross smiled softly and answered.

Cross: - "from everyone... They were going to hurt you, they don't deserve you... and i am trying to protect you love.. after all we are meant to be." Nightmare raised a brow as Cross continued.

- "world is always against us... Even if it seems bright. Killer was about to ask you out. He wanted to take you away.. his dead. So are others... I love you Night!" Cross grinned like a psycho

Nightmare: - "you're insane!" Nightmare yelled at Cross earning a chukle from the taller.

Cross: - "so are you... you tried killing your brother remember?"

Nightmare: - "how do you-" he got cut off by Cross with a replay to his unfinished question.

Cross: - "Dream told me. Now close your eyes my dear..." Cross cooed as he injected something into Nightmare...


Ever sence that day Nightmare lost all of his memories as Cross introduced himself as his boyfriend and told him that he didn't need to worry about outside world.. saying it's a bad place and he can easily be killed... no one was able to find out where Nightmare was as to all people they knew Nightmare was close to was dead and Cross faked death too leaving no advienve of the kiddnap...


To be continued! Sorry i rushed the end

Next chapter might be out soon! Stay tunned!

...:♡:... 1258 words ....:♡:....

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