I don't want to smell the fire burning my eyes when I sleep at night
Nor do I want it to die out on its own as I let myself lay in its ashes
I've kept fanning the flames till they grew bigger and brighter
What was once a single flame has now turned into a raging inferno
Spreading like wildfire in the forest called my body
The smoke has burned my lungs and blackened my heart
Everything living has already been devoured by its heat
Its rage cannot be extinguished even with rain
I am a fire starter who started an uncontrollable fire within me
An arsonist who hides once the flames ignited burns everything on site
I set fires to put out old flames still wanting to survive the Summer
Before a gust of wind in my heart drowns out their sounds
Nodus Tollens
Poetrynodus tollens n. the realization that the plot of your life doesn't make sense to you anymore. (dictionary of obscure sorrows)