Once more to the sea
I once lived in the sea - full of self-doubt and misery.
My home was on top of a hill, made with wistful will
Surrounded by water, once calm before the rain and thunder
A place flooded with broken dreams, sounding out my silent screams.
As the waters were tested, the patience I had in me was limited
The storm did not pass my sanctuary, leaving me to find my heart to carry
The emotions pent up from childhood and to let go of the anger I could
Yet I did not want to be saved from drowning in the tide of my frowning.
The pools of sorrow have become a reminder of my distant tomorrow
Bleak as it has become, the darkness of life has made me succumb.
There lies my body, piece by piece, longing and wishing for its peace
Away from this madness to create anew while I occlude and forget where I grew.
Yet no matter how hard I try, I still go there on a trip every July.
I've gone to let go of my home, but there's this feeling of Stockholm
So here I am yet again, off to see, making my way back to the sea.
To go and ponder as I bury the remnants of the me, I once used to be.
Nodus Tollens
Poetrynodus tollens n. the realization that the plot of your life doesn't make sense to you anymore. (dictionary of obscure sorrows)