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All my things are organize in my room and now it seems a little bit more decent of how it was a few hours ago.

I like this new room but I can't do without missing the old one.

From a little bag, I pick some photos that I printed before leaving.

I thought that I would never use them, but I was wrong.

For one time I'm proud of something that I did.

I take the adhesive tape and I start sticking every photo.

While I'm sticking them, I can't do without thinking about all the moments that I've passed with my friends.

For example, at the birthday of that asshole of Giuly, me and Cass, made an enormous mess. Giuly's mum was passing with the cake and Cass pushed me and I fell down on her making the cake fly on the guests. Then, started a cake war and me and Cass, took a picture to remember it forever.

I finish to stick the photo and I take the following one, where there are me and Trevor hugging. A stupid smile appear on my face and I immediately think how will be my new school and the people that I'll meet.

It won't be easy to place in the school, especially in October, in a class tight from the first year.

I finish to stick the photos, I lay on the bed and I fall asleep.

My relaxing sleep stops with the ringtone of my phone.

I take it to try to see who's calling me, and, on the screen, I see Cass's photo.

" Cris, so how is your new house in Miami? " She asks when I answer.

" It isn't as bad as I thought "

" The next weekend, me and Trevor, will come to visit you. We have already talked with our parents, and for them s okay " she says.

I'm just waiting the weekend to see them.

" I'm here for less than 24 hours and I already miss you " I complain.

" For us is strange too to don't have you here. Oh my mum's getting on nerves, see you later " she says and she stops the call.

I watching the phone screen and I see that it's already twenty past eleven.

Did I really slept for so long?

I get out from my room and I watch around to try to understand from where arrives this wonderful smell.

Where is the kitchen?

Afters a few minutes of search, I find it, and I sit at the table waiting for my part of happiness

" What do you want with the pancakes? " Asks my mum.

" Tea, please " I say smiling.

She gives it to me and I blow on it to cool it down.

" Here you are " says my dad passing me a dish of his wonderful pancakes.

He is the only one who can do them so well.

I eat everything rapidly and, when I get up from the table, I say " I go to the beach, if I'll find it "

They nods and I go to my room.

I take the bag and I go out.

I walk in the neighborhood searching some posters to tell me where to go, nothing.

I go closer to a women to ask her for information and, fortunately, she tells me where to go.

In a few minutes, the palms trees are more frequent, and, on the sidewalk, there are boys of every age that walks around with skates or that just sits on the sand and watches the sea.

I watch around to try to find a decent place, but without going too closer to the water also because I'll have to take off my shoes and I won't for sure arrive till the sea because of the streaming sand.

I find a little place and sit down on the towel that I took with me.

I lay and feel the sun rays that heat up my skin.

Then I feel something strange.

A strange thing full of sand, arrives on me and I immediately get up taking off the sunglasses with sand.

I guy with brown hair and blue eyes as the sky, or better, comes closer to me running.

" Sorry, Cam's fault " he says.

I think that he is apologizing for the ball that just arrived on me.

" Oh no, don't worry. It doesn't matter " I say giving him the ball.

He smiles and he watches me for a few seconds, then he says " see you around "

I nod and I exchange the smile.

I have a question" why that ball had to arrive on me? " That " Cam " couldn't pay more attention? I hate when people that I don't know come to talk to me. I just feel unprepared in this situation and I don't know how to act.

I watch where the blue eyes boy goes, and I see his friends.

The same who crossed the zebra crossing yesterday.

I reteurn on my towel and I relax to feel the sun rays on my body.

After a little time, I decide to get up and take some dresses and books for the new school.

I take my things and I go to the place that I think it is the center of the city, where there are many shops.

I think that, today, it will be difficult for me to do shopping because the area is full of people who runs to buy clothes.

I enter in the first shop that seems pretty. Forever 21.

I watch around and I find some nice T-shirts that I could wear tomorrow at school.

I pick the T-shirts, and I pay them.

I get out from the shop and someone falls on me making fall down the sack.

But what is this, the day of " Fall down on Cris? "

" Sorry " says immediately the person. I look up to watch who is, and he is a boy.

Blonde with green beautiful eyes.

He picks the sack and he gets up to give it to me.

" Sorry. I was... " He stops when he watches me.

" Emh... Don't worry, it doesn't matter " I say picking my sack and smiling at him.

" Yes...Emh...so " he says touching his hair.

What does he has? It is just my impression, or he seems embarrassed?

" MATT " screams a boy coming closer to us.

The same boy who came to pick the ball at the beach.

" Hey, you again? " He asks smiling at me.

" Yes... " I say shyly.

I don't usually talk with people that I don't even know, in front of a shop.

" Do you know each other? " Asks the blonde guy.

" No, but, today, Cam throw the ball on her " he says.

I don like this situation at all.

" Nice to meet you, Nash " says the guy with blue eyes.

" Cris " I say smiling.

" I have never seen you here before. Are you new? " Ask the guy that I think is Matt.

" Yes, I moved here yesterday " I say trying to keep calm and to don't freak out.

" So I wish that we will meet soon, I'm sure that someone will be very happy to see you " says Nash poking at Matt's shoulder.

I nod smiling.

" Let's go! Cam, Carter, Taylor, and the princess are waiting for us " says Nash.

" Yes! So goodbye, Cris " says Matt.

" Bye " I say and they go away.

Why me?

MY DILEMMA IS YOU [ ENGLISH TRANSLATION ]Where stories live. Discover now