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In this moment we are so close that our breathes mixes up.

" What are your problems? Leave me! " I say moving to get free from his handle.

He immobilize me forcing his handle on my shoulders.

He watches me deeply with his brown eyes, leaving me without any word.

How does he dare to act in this way with me? Before the joke, and now this.

" Listen carefully... " He says while I watch his lips " if you're gonna act bad with her again, you will hurt "

I watch again his eyes. I wanna understand if he is joking or he is serious.

" Who? The snob? " I ironize.

I don't care if he will get pissed again.

I cannot understand yet how a girl can stay with a boy who threaten other people.

" Don't call her snob, did you understand? You don't know her. Leave her alone, or I will destroy you " he says.

" As you want " I say.

He watches me for a few seconds to try to understand if I'm lying or not.

It annoys me.

" Now, can you leave me? " I ask.

He nods and then he let me go away.

He goes away while I massage my aching shoulders.

He could avoid this act.

He could just tell me this without hurting me.

When I arrive home, I pick something cold to put it on my shoulders.

It didn't seem to hurt so much, but now it hurts so much.

I stay motionless for a few minutes to let the ice works.

Then, I go to my room and I pick my phone to control if some of my Los Angeles's friends called me or left me a message.

There are just a few messages from Cass and Trevor that asks me how is going.

I rapidly form Cass's number and I call her.

" Cris " answer someone who isn't for sure Cass because of his boy voice.

It isn't neither Trevor even because I perfectly know that he doesn't have this voice on the phone.

Who is?

I move the phone away from the ear to control if I called the right number and it is for sure Cass's one.

" May I talk with Cass? " I ask.

I hear a girl who complains and then she picks the phone.

" Who you are? And why are you disturbing my horse ride? " She snicks.

" Cass... I'm Cris " I say and I'm stun because of her joke.

" Oh shit " she says " Waht's up? " She is really strange and, from the voice, I understand that she is really tired.

" I just wanted to talk to you. Am I disturbing? "

" No. I was just going to take a drag and Dylan was going to have sex with me, nothing special ".

She say that as it really is " nothing special " while I'm also more stun because of her strange acting.

Cass has always been a good girl and she doesn't do this kind of things. I'm sure.

" Cass, are you joking? " I ask her.

" I have never been more serious " she snicks.

I'm really worry and I hope that Trevor is there with her.

" Is Trevor with you? " I ask her.

" Trevor? Emh... We had some problems, so we don't talk to each other anymore " she says.

I'm totally surprised. How many things happened from when I left Miami? It has passed just three days.

" Cass, don't do stupid things. Please " I beg her.

" Sure " she says and I hear the boy that complains.

I immediately call Trevor to advise him of the situation.

Fortunately, he immediately answer.

" Trevor, you have to go immediately to Cass " I advise him.

" But she said that she would go to Dylan " he says.

" She smoked at Dylan's house, and he wanna have sex with her. She obviously cannot think. Please help her " I say.

He immediately stop the call and he is for sure going to help Cass.

We three know each other since we were little and we always help each other, even if we are pissed.

I'm sure that Trevor will fix everything. He has always did it and I doubt that this time will be different.

I'm having an headache, so I decide to go out.

I walk for a bit waiting for a call from Trevor or Cass, but nothing happens. This waiting just worries me more.

And Cameron's arrives worries me also more.

I continue walking acting as I didn't saw him.

His hand is around my wrist to stop me.

" Hey " he says.

" NO! I understood that I have to leave her in peace, stop. I don't need you to talk to me again, it isn't the right day " I say getting free from his grab.

When I turn, I hear him say " I'm sorry for what happened ".

I decide to ignore him and to go on with my walk.

I don't want to hear again his annoying voice.


Hi guys, I'm so sorry if I didn't post for so long, but I had some problems with the school. I thank you for the visualization, the votes and the comments.

I'm also sorry for my english, I know that I'm not the best translator, but I hope that the story is however readable.

I wanted to advise you that I opened an Instagram page of all my stories, if you want go search for it @dreaming_soulwattpad

Thank you guys<3

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