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The way home gave me some problems.

I lost, but I went to two shops to buy a T-shirt for tomorrow.

Then, thanking the help of a women and a police man, I returned home.

When my mum saw me in the police car, she got worried, but after that I told her what happened, she calmed.

I think that, passing my last free afternoon before the school, in my pool, is one of the most beautiful thing on earth.

Questions of what could happen this year in my new school are successing in my mind driving me crazy.

I close my eyes and I concentrate on the silence, to shut up my thoughts.

The neighborhood where we live now is really more quiet then the one where we lived in Los Angeles, and it is a really positive thing for me. I hate noise.

" STOP " screams a girl snicking.

I turn to see what's happening. It's just a girl that runs.

" Come one, where are you going? " Asks a boy.

They two are running and snicking as two lovers.

He is really nice and he doesn't seem so bad.

Instead, she has long gold hair. She is totally dressed in fuchsia, and, I admit, that just watching her, makes me have an headache.

Can't they go somewhere else? Did they had to pass exactly in front of my house?

See their happiness, makes me think about how were me and Set at the beginning.

We usually hanged out together, we passed the nights watching movie and we had so much fun.

Then, Sindy, invited us to her birthday party. I said that I wouldn't go, instead, Set, said that he would go to stay with his rugby's friends.

I went there because Cass was at that party and she didn't feel so well.

Searching for her, I found Set, in the girl bathroom, with another girl.

The question that keeps going on in my head is " from how long they had a story? "

Obviously, I went closer to them and I throw him a punch for what he was doing.

From that moment, we broke up. We are ended.

I reteurn with the head on the earth and I relax on the tanning bed, letting the last sun rayes, warm up my skin.

After more less an hour, I reteurn inside and, after the dinner, I immediately go to bed.

I already feel that the following day will be really stressing and I also need to sleep to don't have enormous eyes socket.

I put the alarm and I close my eyes to fall asleep.


As always, the morning, arrives too fast and, the alarm, makes so much noise in my room.

I cannot either get up from my bed, so I resend the alarm of ten minutes.

The alarm rings again and I pick the pillow to put it on my head.

The light enter from my room door and, with half closed eyes, I see my mum next to the door with pissing face.

At the beginning, I don't understand what she's saying, than, the words, becomes really clear.

" DO YOU HAVE YOUR PIJAMA YET? " She asks screaming.

I don't understand why she is so mad. I just resent the alarm of ten minutes.

I sit down on the bed and I pick the phone to watch the time.

Oh no.

Stupid alarm that rings 30 minutes later.

I immediately get out from the bed and I run to pick the clothes from the wardrobe.

" How much time do we have? " I ask putting the T-shirt.

" Ten minutes. Come on "

I rapidly walk the stairs and I enter in the bathroom to put a little bit of make up on to seem nice the first day.

I immediately finish, and I reteurn in my room to pick the bag with the book that I found yesterday afternoon.

Then, I run to the car, where my mum is already waiting for me.

" How far is the school from home? " I ask putting the belt.

" It's about 15 minutes with the car " says my mum.

" Maybe 25 with the traffic " adds Kate.

" You're not helping " I say digging at her.

She is at the first year of the High School, so we are in the same school.

After exactly 15 minutes, we arrive in front of the school and me and Kate immediately get out from the car.

" Have a nice day " says my mum going away.

" See you at home " says Kate running to the section for the first's year students.

The school in front of me is really enormous and I'm really sure that it will be difficult to find even the principal office to ask information.

I take a deep breathe and I go inside.

I hope that everything will be okay.

MY DILEMMA IS YOU [ ENGLISH TRANSLATION ]Where stories live. Discover now