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The alarm rings and I immediately get out of my bed and I start preparing.

I take the sweater of my school and I put a pair of trousers. I fix the blonde hair and I run to the bathroom to put make up on.

When I finish, I put the shoes, I take the bag and I start running to arrive at the bus stop.

I have lost too much time in the bathroom to put the make up and now I suffer the consequences.

When I arrive the bus turn a corner and then it stops exactly in front of me.


I get on the bus and I just have to find a place, really difficult thing because it is so full that I cannot sign in the ticket.

While I clear some space between the boys, I notice the same boy which I fell on yesterday. He watches me and I immediately look away, pretending that I don't know him.

He can hate me because I fell down on him, but I don't care! Especially now that I have to move.

I arrive at school in time.

Thinking that this is my last day of school makes me feel bad, so I just pretend that it is a normal day as the others.

I run to my class and I arrive with shortness of breath because of the stairs.

I see Cass and Trevor so I decide to go closer to them.

When I'm enough close, I throw the bag down and I stretch.

" Did you do the stairs in a jiffy? " Asks Trevor with a sweet smile

" Yes " I say.

" Cris, I don't want you to go " says Cass.

" It is really sad to pass our last hours together at school " says Trevor.

" And so why don't we pretend that it is just another day as the others? I don't wanna think that in a couple hours I'll be on a plane " I say.

They nods.

" Cris, I organize a party for this Saturday. Obviously you're invited " says Linda coming closer to me.

" I like your shoes. Are they new? " Asks Sandy.

All mornings are as this.

I neither arrive in the class, that everyone asks me something.

" Sorry girls, but I have to talk of an important thing with Cass and Trevor " I say.

Everyone goes away snorting, but fortunately they leave me alone.

" Who will tell me to be good with girls now? " jokes Trevor.

Girls really like him, so he has a various choice. Indeed, he changes girls practically every week and, in the last weeks, he was calming. I couldn't see that girls suffer.

" Trevor, please " I beg him.

The teacher arrives and she tells us to go to our place.

Unfortunately, the lessons, ends rapidly and the bell rings.

I also had math text, but I think that the mark doesn't count anymore.

I take my things and I pass the hallway with my friends.

I already know that I'll cry. It seems normal, I'm leaving this place and my friends.

My life will be such different without them. It will be empty. Trevor won't be there, the idiot who makes me laugh and Cass, that always helps me.

It will be a shit, I already know it.

" I think that it's time " I say.

" Cris, no " says Cass crying.

I go near her to hug her, but someone picks my wrist and pulls me behind violently.


Doesn't he never give up?

" What do you want? " I ask.

" I want you to reteurn with me, fuck " he says.

I watch him and I'm scared. I have never noticed this part of him exactly because it is the first time that he acts like this with me.

I try to release from his handle, but I can't.

" Leave me "

" Just if you reteurn with me bitch " he says.

With the other hand, I slap him.

" Go fuck yourself Set " I scream and I see that, around us, there is a sort of meeting of the students.

Doesn't they have something better to do?

Set grips more the wrist making me screaming.

I see Trevor passing next to me and when I look up at him, his fist fall foul with Set's jaw.

I'm really surprise.

I cannot believe it.

I have never saw Trevor throw a punch.

Set release my wrist, and he goes away embarrassed for what has just happened.

" Run idiot, run " screams Trevor.

I immediately hug Trevor and he wind his arms around me.

Trevor isn't a violent person, so this count so much for me.

" Thank you " I whisper.

" Everything of you " he says watching me in the eyes.

I watch around to see if someone is watching us. There are just some girls who seems to admire Trevor for what he did.

" Cris, please, don't leave me " says Cass hugging me immediately.

" We will meet at my house and we will pass the afternoons together "

She watches me and says " yesterday I went to the mall and I saw this " she turns and picks a sack from her bag. She opens it and pick a necklace with an heart divided into two pieces " a part for you and the other for me. To remember that we are always together okay? "

" Thank you Cass " jokes Trevor.

" Shut up, I also have a thing for you " she says.

I can't do without watching Trevor and smile for his face.

Cass gives us a sack and I find a wonderful bracelet with ours initials: CCT.

" Just to remember that we will always be the three musketeers " she snickers.

I take the bracelet and I laugh too.

The clacson of my parent's car stops this fantastic moment. I hug Cass for the last time.

Then Trevor comes closer to me and he gives me a kiss on the forehead.

A say goodbye with tears in my eyes, and I go to the car.

MY DILEMMA IS YOU [ ENGLISH TRANSLATION ]Where stories live. Discover now