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I'm walking through many students that are just waiting to enter.

Many of them are smoking, others are alone and others are in little group and are talking.

Till the entrance of the school, everybody watches me and I hate this.

My starting goal, that was to make me notice as less as possible, is failing.

The bell rings and everyone goes to their class.

I have to skip the first twenty minutes of the lesson because I have to go to the principal and I have to meet the guy that will make me see all the school and that will introduce me to the rest of the class.

I go closer to a girl with red hair and I ask her where I can find the principal office.

I go where she told me to, hoping that it isn't just a joke.

As she told me, I arrive in front of a white door and I knock.

" Good morning " I say entering and closing the door behind me.

" Good morning, I suppose that you are the new student " she says smiling.

I nod.

" Christina Evans? " She asks me watching a little piece of paper.

I nod again.

" Your sister passed exactly five minutes ago " she snicks " sit down please ".

I sit on the black chair and I watch her, waiting that for her to tell me where to go or what to do.

" Welcome to our wonderful school. As you know, it is an European school. You won't move from the class and we choose the classes that you'll have to do to have a completely education. As you saw, our school is really big: it has many sections and it also has an area for the dorms for the students who lives far away or that can't stay with their family for others motivations. I'm sure that you'll be fine "

I'm excited of the idea of a different school.

Someone knocks at the door and, when he opens, I immediately recognize him.

I haven't forgot his brown hair and blue eyes.

" He is Nash. He will make you visit the school and then he will take you to your new class ". Says the principal smiling.

I get up and I get out from the room with Nash.

He closes the door and he immediately says " Look who's here. So you'll study in this school? "

" Yes " I say.

" So, welcome in the school that will destroy your life " he snicks.

I cannot believe that, study in this school, is so terrible.


" This school is really big " I say.

" Yes, and the classes that we saw are just the 2% of the school ".

We saw my class floor and I can say that my old school didn't have all this rooms.

" So, we finished the tour! I think that it's time to reteurn in class. Won't you lose the chemistry hour? " He winks.

" How many we are? "

" 400 " he says.

It isn't funny.

I fake a laugh and I say " really funny ".

" We are 27 " he says.

I'm really curious to know who will be in my new class.

We pass through an hallway full of red locker.

" Oh yeah, before reteurning in class, I have to show you your new locker " he says going closer to one of them.

Number 672.

" This is new, so you can put any password ".

He turns and I put my birthday date: 300598.

I will change it putting a cleverer one.

" Done " I say.

" Good, so we can reteurn in class " he says and I follow him.

While we are walking, I watch the hour.

" Unfortunately we have science " he complains.

" I bet that we will waste time because of me, so I think that you will however skip it " I say gaining his smile.

We arrive in front of the class and he knocks.

He opens the door and we enter.

The class is really big, even if the students are not so many.

The desks are single and this gives me stress. It will be for sure more difficult to integrate without a desk mate.

" Is she the new student? " Asks the teacher to Nash.

He nods and he takes place, leaving me alone.

I admit that it is enough embarrassing to stay in front of a class where everyone looks at you up and down.

I watch around to see if I know someone.

When I see Matt, the blonde guy, he throws his pencil down and he immediately picks it up.

" Good guys, she is your new classmate. Her name is Christina Evin ".

" Evans " I correct him.

I'm asking how someone could go wrong a so common surname.

" Yeah, Evans. " He says picking a pencil and changing my surname.

Some girls laugh while they look at me.

I think that one of them is the same girl that I saw yesterday running with her boyfriend.

" Good Christina, you can sit in front of Cameron " says the teacher.

Pity that I don't know who is Cameron.

" There " she indicates.

It is in the third row.

I'm really close to Nash, while Matt is in the opposite part of the class.

I turn to watch him and I catch him watching at me.

He smiles at me and I do the same.

It is so beautiful to have in class people that you have already met.

MY DILEMMA IS YOU [ ENGLISH TRANSLATION ]Where stories live. Discover now