Chapter 3

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*Kylie's P.O.V.*

"Kylie! Wake up! We're here!" was all I heard before I was rudely shooken awake.

"Just five more minutes!" I mumbled, showing how annoyed I was.

"C'mon! It's time to get off the plane!" Maddi chuckled.

"Okay fine," I agreed then I suddenly remembered we had to drive all the way to Manchester, and I groaned, thinking about the dreadfully long drive their.

"Are you hungry?" Maddi sincerely asked.

"No.. I don't know why! My stomach is upset though."

"Hm. Maybe it wad the plane ride! After all, it was your first time flying in one." Maddi replied a little concerned.

"Yea.." I mumbled, remembering how I was holding on the the air plane chairs, as if my life depended on it. "So how was the plane ride for you?" I asked as I was now packing our suitcases into our rental car.

"Well, I was definitely nervous... But it all went well!" Maddi replied. "And what about you?"

I looked at the ground, trying to think of something to say, other than the truth. "It was very calm! And peaceful!" I said, trying to sound as bubbly as possible.

"Kylie, I'm your best friend. It was anything but peaceful and calm." Maddi replied, looking sternly into my eyes. Maddi was one of those best friends that knew every little detail about you.

I rolled my eyes,"Fine! You got me! The plane ride was horrible." I sighed as I hopped into the driver's seat.

"Why was it horrible?" Maddi asked sincerely.

"I couldn't stop thinking about mom and dad..." I replied as my voice began to become shaky. Maddi stood quiet, not knowing how to reply to my statement. But I didn't expect her to reply either. Maddi knew I needed time to myself.

I had been driving for almost almost two hours. All of a sudden I swerved a little bit, and I could tell I was dozing off. "Maddi?" I lazily mumbled.

"Yea?" Maddi replied in a hushed tone.

"Can you drive now? Its 1:00 a.m. and I'm kinda tired." I said, yawning in mid-sentence.

"Yea of course! How much longer until we get to Manchester?"

I sighed as I looked down at my phone."About two hours!" And with that, I pulled into a gas station and let Maddi drive to our new apartment.

We got to our apartment at about 3 a.m., and I knew we had arrived because Maddi had turned off our rental car. I suddenly opened my eyes before Maddi could even try to wake me up. I was a very light sleeper.

"Yay! We're home! Let me text my parents really quick, to let 'em know we got here safe!" Maddi chanted.

When we finished unpacking everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, It was about 8:00 a.m., so me and Maddi figured that we should just stay up, since neither of us were tired. Manchester was amazing, but since we came from California, we were definitely not used to the cold 36 Degrees.

"Hey! Do you wanna go into the town later! We only live like 5 minutes away! So we can walk! We'll go get our nails done!!" Maddi said, whilst I layed lazily on my bed, going through twitter.

"Um yea! Just let me get ready!" I shouted from my room.

As we were walking to the nail place, we walked in silence. Maddi just looked at the ground, while I kicked a little pebble along the sidewalk. Everything was so awkward. "Maddi?" I said not looking away from the sidewalk.


"Aren't you going to miss your parents?" I said, now looking her in the eyes.

"Yea.. but I can still go see them!" Maddi awkwardly chuckled, while I stood quiet.

The walk to the nails place was really short! Only about 10 minutes. We walked in slowly, and Maddi's eyes suddenly became huge. I followed her gaze over to two girls, who where giggling while getting their pedicures. I quickly reconized the two girls. They where Aujanae and Samantha! The lucky girls who were with Zayn and Niall! Before Maddi could say anything, I quickly walked over to them. "Hi! Your Aujanae and Samantha, right?" I excitedly asked.

"Yep that's us! What can we do for you babe?" Aujanae asked, not even looking slightly creeped out.

"I love you!" I blurted out, and I instantly covered my mouth, feeling my cheeks turn red. I glanced over to Maddi, who was obviously trying her hardest not to laugh.

"Really!? I love you too! Its rare when fans say that to us! They usually send me and Samantha hate! Ever since I started dating Zayn, directioners hate me! And Sam! It means a lot babe! Sit by us!" Aujanae said, looking very happy that me and Maddi didn't send her hate.

There was a seat empty by Samantha, and Maddi quickly took the spot. I took the spot by Aujanae, and quickly told the workers what I wanted as a design on my toes. Samantha was beautiful. She had amazing blonde hair, all natural, and her beautiful blue eyes were amazing! Then there was Aujanae, Long glossy brunette hair, with blue eyes. She was flawless. Even their personalities were beautiful.

We ended up talking for about 20 minutes, and finally, the workers finished the designs on my toes. We all payed and walked out of the nails place together. "You should text us! We sadly have to go to our jobs now! You should stop by sometime!!! We work at starbucks!" Samantha said, and me and Maddi agreed to hang out again soon. We all hugged, exchanged numbers, and parted ways.

(A/N Wow. 52 reads <3 i love you guys! Please comment on my fanfic! I would love that a lot<3 No hate! I'm not a perfect writer!)

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