halloween 1/2

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊

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ranboo giggles from behind his phone as he records the absolute scene of tommy trying to draw mice whiskers onto tubbo's cheeks. all three of them are laughing uncontrollably, and every time tubbo moves the marks on his face smudge and they have to start again.

tommy moves away a bit to laugh, bouncing in his seat as he does. once he's settled enough to steady his hands he moves back to start on the final whisker. the sudden proximity makes tubbo flinch back away from him. "oh, sorry," tommy apologises.

tubbo shakes his head dismissively, still giggling, "it's okay, just make it look good."

"and hurry up," ranboo adds, stopping the video and saving it to his memories before beginning to crop it to a shorter clip to put on his story. "we're going to be really late."

"okay, okay," tommy nods, sitting back in his chair to look over tubbo's makeup. "all done!" he passes tubbo his phone to have a look and the brunette nods happily.

the three of them start getting up, grabbing their things, and ranboo drops his eyeliner back into his overnight bag to make sure he wouldn't forget it tomorrow morning

all ready, the trio make their way out of the apartment, meeting up with wilbur, techno, and quackity just outside of the building.

ranboo outwardly laughs at the sight of wilbur and techno or, more specifically, wilbur's pink wig and techno's hair being all rolled up and hidden away in a red beanie. the outfits themselves are more casual, although it's clear from the sizes that they are wearing clothes from each other's wardrobes.

"that is so half-assed, quackity," tommy insults, and ranboo shifts his attention to the ravenette to look over his outfit.

"you only live once and i wanted an excuse to wear a onesie to a party," quackity shrugs, looking down at the teenage mutant ninja turtle pyjama one piece he had on, "this was like my only chance! plus, what even are you supposed to be?"

"we're three blind mice! duh!" tommy retorts, flipping his guide cane so that it extends to full length and moving his sunglasses to cover his eyes with a proud smile.

quackity squints, looking around the trio. "i don't see it," he shrugs.

"oh fuck off, q," tommy mumbles light-heartedly, beginning to walk off towards the woods. the rest of the group follow close behind, ensuring they all quieten down during the walk past the accommodation, where the highest risk of being caught is.

they walk along the same familiar route that they all know, stepping over the same logs and weaving around the same trees. in summer, it's easy to find the clearing because of how the floor is all dead and dried out on the route that they always walk, but with new leaves falling every day the pathway is quickly covered by the plethora of autumnal debris.

quackity's phone begins to ring and he pulls it out of his pocket as they walk, checking the id before quickly accepting the call. "hello?" he greets whoever it is. "where?"

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