Chapter One

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Sans has decided that his favorite AU is Underswap. His favoritism doesn't come from the scenery or the flipped environment. He loves the AU because he loves being a Swap!Sans.

Each time he wakes up is an entirely new experience. Today, Sans wakes up with a snap of clarity and energy. No morning grogginess for him! His thoughts come in rapid bursts with an eagerness to start the day. This isn't Sans's own behavior, but the Swap's. Sans becomes whoever he wakes up as. His own thoughts are drowned out by the cares and worries of his host.

Throwing off his blankets, Sans practically leaps out of bed. His blue pajamas are a little too big for him, and he nearly slips on one of the pants' legs. Sans yelps and grabs onto his nightstand to keep himself upright. He giggles at his own clumsiness. Sans is more careful this time as he gathers up his clothes and heads for the bathroom. A little spark of pride runs through him every time Sans sees his "battle body". He made it himself after Alphys, Captain of the Royal Guard, agreed to train him.

Sans closes the bathroom door behind him and pushes a small step stool in front of the sink. He's too short to see much of himself in the mirror without it. Sans gets lost in thought as he starts brushing his teeth. There's always so much he wants to get done in the day, but so few hours to work. Sans is distracted from his planning when he locks eyes with himself in the mirror. His big blue eye lights bore into those of the reflections.

This is wrong. Sans looks away and shakes his head. It's easy to forget that he's just passing through. Still with the toothbrush in his mouth, Sans lets go of the handle and checks himself. A small, white Monster soul appears hovering over his hand. It shows no sign of its temporary tenant. Without any evidence, it's hard to not wonder if he's even real. Sans almost prefers to lose himself in the body of each new day rather than be plagued with these kinds of questions.

It's easy to put his unease to the back of his mind when in a Swap's body. They're so cheery and optimistic that Sans quickly forgets about what had just been bothering him. He un-summons his soul and quickly spits out his mouthful of toothpaste before getting dressed.

Sans shoves the foot stool back in its place under the sink once he's done with the mirror. Knowing his brother, that lazy bones would trip over it in half-asleep stupor. Sans stares at the closed cabinet with his hands on his hips for several moments as the thought sinks in. Papyrus! Sans rockets out of the bathroom and down the hall. He nearly forgot to wake up his older brother! Sans dimly recalls that some Swap AUs place Papyrus as younger, but that's not the case here.

Barging into the room, Sans takes a running leap and launches himself into his brother's bed. Papyrus lets out a quiet "oof" when Sans lands on his chest. Their heights vary, but this Swap is comically short. He's only the size of Papyrus's torso, and sits comfortably on his brother's chest.

"Pappy! It's time to wake up!" Sans wines, bouncing up and down. Both of them know that Papyrus has an alarm clock that he could easily program. They both also realize that they would much rather start their morning like this.

"Five more minutes, bro," Papyrus says lazily. He pulls a hand out of his blanket cocoon to rub Sans on the head. The elder is so wrapped up in blankets that not even his face is visible. Sans happily leans into his brother's hand like a cat, but then snaps out of it.

"No more sleeping! You're gonna be late and miss breakfast," Sans complains. The correct dialogue and mannerisms come easily to him. Papyrus will never know that there's a second mind in his brother's body for the day.

"How about we just go to Muffet's today? I'll pay," Papyrus replies, more awake now.

"Absolutely not! Such sugary food is not suitable for a morning meal!" Sans crawls off of Papyrus and gets off the bed, posing in a heroic fashion. "I, the Magnificent Sans, will cook a nutritious and delicious breakfast for my dear brother!"

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