Chapter Ten

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Soul had no idea what he was going or where to go, but Error's body does. The portal opens up into the antivoid. Soul collapses to his knees as soon as he finds himself in the white space alone. He claws at the sides of his head, still so confused and overwhelmed. The edges of Soul's vision is dark and blurry as he panics.

What is he going to do? What can he do? Soul has someone gotten himself trapped inside his best friend. Error would surly murder him for this. Or worse! Error might hate Soul for this and never visit ever again until Soul loses all the memories of their time together. Soul thinks he would have rather died then face that possibility. Soul can't help the pitiful wine he makes, curling his knees up to his chest. The sound is distorted and guttural in Error's voice. Soul doesn't want to be alone. Error has become Soul's only lifeline.

Soul feels as if his throat is closing up. The panic won't leave. The anxiety is all consuming and crippling. He can't think of anything except for this all-consuming terror that nothing is okay and it never will be. Unable to control it anymore, Soul is further tortured by Error's own memories. He sees the hateful glares of monsters and the terrified expression of others right before they die. They want him dead. Everyone wants him dead! Soul is almost convinced someone is attacking him right in the antivoid with the blur of faces Error has done battle with. Every chip and scar on Soul's body aches fiercely.

New tears trace the old tracks on Soul's face. He's shaking all over and can't make it stop. When did he fall onto his side? Where even is he? Every time Soul sees his hands, Error's hands, another wave of guilt and fear tear at him. Soul isn't strong or very brave. He's not smart or just. Error is all those things. Error would know what to do if he were here.

What would Error do? Soul tries to swallow back a sobbing hiccup. What would Error say? Soul's rasping breaths rattle painfully in his chest now as his vision continues to darken. Error would tell Soul to shut up. Error would tell Soul to shut up and quit being a baby, and the he would tell Soul to stop breathing like a he was pretending to be a fUcKinG humming bird. Soul takes a shuddering breath that he nearly chokes on. Error would then let Soul hold his hand. Just his hand, and nothing more. Soul claps his hands together, taking another stuttering breath.

The darkness at the edges of Soul's vision starts to recede. He's not sure how long it took, but his breathing eventually gets closer to normal. The tight feeling constricting his chest eases. Soul is left exhausted as he calms down and his last few tears dry up. He feels stupid for freaking out.

What now? Soul uses the sleeve of Error's coat to dry his face. Soul is stuck inside of Error instead of randomly appearing in an AU. When Fresh took possession of the Candytale Sans, it booted Soul out and change something fundamental about how he gets around. Soul isn't even sure what's all changed yet. His aura is flighty and unsettled. Even stranger is the fact that Soul doesn't feel like Error. Everything Error is, his memories and personality, are shoved just beyond Soul's detection. They'll come forth if Soul reaches out or loses focus, but there's a distinct gap between all of it and what Soul is. For once, Soul can tell where he starts and ends.

So what now? What should he do now? What would Error do? Soul finally pushes himself up into a sitting position. He's still a little shaky and paranoid. Now that he's somewhat calm, Soul notices just how much his body hurts. Error hurts. Every little scratch on his body has gone untreated. A deep rooted ache follows Soul whenever he moves as well as stinging pain closer to the surface. The pain would be a lot worse if Error's tolerance wasn't also helping Soul. What would Error do? Error might ask Soul what he wants to do.

Soul slowly stands up to his feet. He wants to get out of Error most of all, but Soul also can't stand the idea of leaving all these injuries on his friend. Soul wants to get out of Error and heal these injuries. Soul also wants to get out of the creepy antivoid. Setting a few clear goals helps ground Soul. Focusing, Soul draws up his magic. He sends it out searching through the Multiverse in a slight thread. Not calling, but locating. Soul can only be sure of one monster who can heal. He can't remember anyone else at the moment. When Soul's light magic touches the other, he pulls back and coils the power up so as not to alert them. Soul reaches for Error's magic this time and makes another portal.

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