Chapter Nine

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Sans wakes up with the taste of sugar on his tongue. His marshmallow mattress is conformed perfectly to his body, and Sans refuses to move for several more minutes. He even starts to drift back to sleep before a loud crash jolts him back into awareness. Sans tenses up for a moment, but relaxes after he hears his brother's faint mutterings coming from downstairs. That was sweet of Paps to let Sans sleep in while breakfast was started. Sans chuckles at the thought and finally drags himself out of bed.

He grabs his jacket off the floor and shrugs it on. Sans is about to teleport down into he living room, but pauses. Wasn't he not supposed to do that anymore? He can't remember for sure. Sans gives up trying to figure it out and just opens his door like a normal monster. He immediately regrets it when he catches his foot on the doorframe. Sans goes down and hits the gingerbread floor face first.

"Brother? Was that you?" Papyrus calls from the kitchen.

Sans only groans in response. Why does he always have to be so clumsy? On second thought, why isn't the entire house made from marshmallows? It would save him a lot of trouble.

"I really don't think the balcony is a suitable place to sleep, Sans," Papyrus tsks in mild annoyance. He climbed up the stares to find the older brother still laying face down. Papyrus leans down and picks Sans up, grunting a little with the effort.

"Morning Paps," Sans hums, enjoying being carried. "What kind of training do you have today?"

"Undyne said that we are going to be making jelly tarts! I can't wait to see what I can make jelly out of. NYEH HE HE!," Papyrus beams. He's always ecstatic when Sans is curious about Papyrus's royal guard training.

"Try not to jam them too full. It's berry hard to clean up a spill in the oven." Papyrus drops Sans immediately. Sans grunts when he hits the soft gummy floor in the living room, still giving Papyrus a shit-eating grin.

"I DON'T want to hear ANOTHER one of your horrible PUNS," Papyrus shouts.

"C'mon, that one really sweetened my day!"

Sans ducks out the door as a length of licorice hits the wall right where he had just been standing. Sans wishes his brother a good day before pulling a disappearing act. He doesn't feel like seeing what other candies make good projectiles. Sans walks through the ankle deep powdered snow, lazily greeting the monsters he passes.

A distant ripple in the AU makes Sans pause in his day. He shouldn't be able to feel something like that, but his magic finds it familiar, and grows excited and warm in his chest. Sans is confused. His magic doesn't........ but it does. His aura is the only thing he can control. Soul shakes his head to try and clear his thoughts. He went through his entire morning without remembering who he was. Soul only snapped out of it after his magic recognized someone entering the AU. It takes a full minute for Soul to comprehend his last thought. Someone entered the AU! Error is coming!

An excited grin lights up Soul's face. Without any hesitation, he drops what he's doing and runs off to where he can sense a portal forming. A few monsters in Snowdin look surprised when they see him run by. Their Sans wouldn't run for anything. Soul couldn't care less. After so much encouragement from Error, he's more willing to chase after the things that he actually wants. Soul runs around the corner of another building, skidding in the snow to a stop when he finds the portal.

That's not Error's portal. Instead of distorted glitches, the portal is lined with a mix of swirling neon colors. Soul doesn't recognize the new magic signature when a skeleton walks through. Their back faces Soul, but that can't hide the neon green and purple swatches of fabric that make up their jacket. Soul can feel his eyes slightly water at such a mix of bright colors. As if sensing Soul, the other skeleton whips around to look at him. Dark sunglasses hide the skeleton's eyes with the words 'Yo-Lo' on the lenses. When the strange monster spots Soul, the words change to 'What's- Up?'.

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