Chapter Eleven

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Soul is startled awake by movement. He's still sitting on the floor of the kitchen right where he fell asleep. When was the last time he woke up in the same place as where he feel asleep? One of Soul's legs is bent and crossed in front of him, but the other leg is outstretched and pinned in place under Error's head. Soul didn't have the heart to move.

Error shifts again and groans, rubbing his face with his hand as he comes to. Soul is so excited that he's awake and okay that he can't stop the little twitch in his leg. Error whips his head around to try and figure out what just moved. Dream and Error lock eyes. The Destroyer jumps into action upon seeing one of his biggest enemies and summons a barrage of sharpened bones. Soul squeaks in fright and scrambles away behind the corner of the kitchen island.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot! It's just me," Soul shouts as he ducks behind his makeshift shelter. He intensifies his aura again in the hope that it'll calm Error as much a did earlier.

Error pauses, but doesn't dismiss the bones right away. "SOuL?"

"Yeah.......". Soul cautiously peeks back around the corner at Error. Seeing Soul with Dream's face is unsettling, but Error finally drops his magic. No one else looks at him with that stupidly hopeful face except for Soul.

"YoUr'Re in DreAm?" Error asks, a little confused. He stands up and is surprised when his bones protest a lot less than normal. Error looks down to where he knows a crack had recently splintered his forearm but only finds a faint scratch that will be gone in a few days.

"Yep! Dream is kinda weird, though. He's happy on the outside, but it's really sad and mopey in his head. Dream really misses someone, I guess," Soul says quickly, bouncing up to stand at Error side. "But Dream has really good magic! I used it to heal you!"

"NigHtmAre, proBably," Error mumbles as he flexes his wrist experimentally. He looks up in surprise after processing Soul's other words. "You healed me? Dream's magic healed me? My injuries can't be healed by anyone's magic, Soul. My body won't allow it." Even as Error says it, proof of the contrary is literally all over him.

Soul shrinks away a little at that. He doesn't want to lose Error's friendship over what happened. Error barley lets Soul even touch him, and he's invaded Error's privacy in a terrible way. Soul knows things he shouldn't even if it's only subconsciously. Every Sans he becomes leaves a little something behind. Soul looks away and stares at a jar on the counter as he fiddles with his hands. "I know you don't remember what happed in Candytale after you got there, but-"

"I'M goIng to mUrdeR FreSh," Error hisses, abruptly recalling the AU. He remembers leaving an AU half destroyed when he felt Soul's aura practically shriek at him in a panic. Error knows he saw something that had to have been Soul, but it gets all blurry after that. "I waS.....iN the antiVoid?" Error looks over at Soul in confusion.

Soul has always been under the impression that his hosts can't remember anything from the day that Soul borrows. He's just as confused since Error can remember the antivoid. Soul is also becoming quickly embarrassed since all he did in the antivoid was have a nervous breakdown. "What do you remember?" Soul asks, curious now.

"FeEl liKe I crAshEd, but noT quiTe," Error mumbles. He doesn't yet understand why his last few memories feel like mush. Error looks back down at Soul. How did Soul even get into Dream? He's not supposed to be able to jump willingly. There's not other monster here, either. Who did Soul hitch a ride with?......

Soul can see the exact moment on Error's face when the Destroyer connects the dots. "I-I didn't see anything, I swear," Soul starts blabbering. "Well, I tried my best not too! I didn't go snooping or digging but some of your fights are so scary-"

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