The promise

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July 4th 1971

No one's pov:

I was a early, summers morning when Bruce and Y/n were awoken by Bruces mother barging in Bruce's room, "good morning, kids, you guys excited for today?!" "Wait what's today again, mom?" "It's the Fourth of July, dummy!" responded Y/n with her normal happy voice,
"Oooooooh yeah,! Forgot :)" "right get ready, at 9 the fire works are going to be set of !"

Time skip to 8pm bc I'm m to lazy 🤪

"Mom, how long till the fire works go of ?!"
Asked the very impatient Bruce, "very soon, just be patient, Brucey" Y/n giggled a little at the nickname, "nice nickname, BRUCEY !" " STOP MAKING FUN OF ME Y/N/N!" " kids, please stop screaming" "Yes, mommy"
"Pfffft, you still can your mom, "mommy", really Y/n?" "Oh shut up, Brucey!" "Stop calling me that please!" "Nope!" "Oh come on!"

Another time skip to 9pm 🤠

"KIDS,COME 'ERE, THE FIREWORKS ARE GANNA BE SET OF SOON!" Shouted Y/n's mother, "COMIMG MOM!, right Bruce come on, no time to get your baseball stuff!" "But I wanna play base ball with you!" "Just come, do you wanna miss the fireworks?!" "NO!" That's what I thought!"

"We're here!" "Ok, sit down, just not to close to the grass, ok?" "Yes mom" "yes Mrs Y/l/n" as the two sat on the porch, the fireworks where set of by Bruces dad, "Y/n, can I tell you something?" "Yep" "Promises to never leave my side when we get older" "I promise, now watch the fireworks, Brucey" "I told you stop calling me that, only my mom can I me that!" "no way jose!" "Who's Jose?" "I don't really know, I heard it from this one girl in our class!"
"Oh, ok then"


Maja speaks!

Hi guys hope you like first chapter, it's a cute little on honestly!, well I might not upload as much bc of school tmr but I'll se we I can do.

Bye, good night, good morning or good evening!

𝐻𝑒𝑟 ~ Bruce Yamada x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now