New years party

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I recommend to listen to the song the top 🥰

December 31st 1977

Y/n's POV:

These past 3 months have been as normal as can be, Finney and Donna got together about a week after me and Finney's fake break up. I'm happy for them, but after that Bruce stopped talking to me ever since that day in class. Sometimes i catch him staring at me but he just looks away quickly.

Back to the point, todays New Year's Eve and my family and Bruce's family are having our annual New Year's party. I asked my mum can I go over to Finney's for New Year's but of course she said no, said; "it's a tradition Y/n/n, we've been doing this since you and Bruce where born, you have to be here!".

I mean yeah I know it's a tradition but when it's with someone you haven't spoken to in 3 months then it's going to be awkward. I could always talk to Amy, but she's nine, the only thing she's going to talk about are barbies.


I was upstairs in my room get ready, I've already picked an outfit and was doing my hair and makeup


I was just fixing my hair and makeup when I heard a knock on the door. "Y/n/n can you please open the door I'm busy!" My mum called from the kitchen, "why can't dad open it?" I asked shouting from my room, "because he's away to the grab 'n' go to get me something!" "Fine!" I said going down stairs, "hi y/n it's so nice to see you, how are you?" Asked Mrs Yamada "I'm fine thank you, come in" I said stepping aside so they could come in.

10 minutes earlier

Bruce's POV:

I was down stairs waiting for my parents to come downstairs so we could go to the Y/l/n house hold for our annual New Year's party, every now and then I would go to the mirror in the hallway to check if I look okay, " why are you constantly going to check yourself out in the mirror?" Asked my little sister Amy, "are you trying to look good for someone?, is that someone y/n~" she said in a teasing tone, "no that someone isn't y/n, I just want to look presentable when we go over there, I haven't seen Mr & Mrs Y/l/n for a long time!" " you sure, Brucey~?" She said in that same teasing tone, " I'm SURE Amy, will you leave me alone now?" I asked getting annoyed, "FINE!"

5 minutes later

"KIDS GET YOUR JACKETS ON WE'ER GOING" my mum shouted from upstairs, I got up and went to get my jacket, the walk from our house to Y/n's was only 2 minutes since we lived so close to each other.

"Right Bruce you hold this" my mum said giving me pie she had made the day before, "okay I think we're ready to go" my mum said handing my dad the keys to the house and grabbing a bowl of salad, "Bruce you start walking with Amy, me and your mum will lock up the house okay?"

As we approached Y/n's house my heartbeat got faster and I felt myself heat up, am I nervous? No she used to be my best friend!, I thought to myself, my dad went to knock on the door, I heard shouting on the other side of the door and then Y/n opened it, she looks so beautiful, I thought and felt myself heat up again, she stepped aside to let us in, my mum asked her something, but I didn't hear anything, my focus was on HER.

2 hours later
Nobody's POV:

As the clock was ticking closer to 12 the two families stepped in the living room, Bruce thought this was a opportunity to talk to Y/n since she's been talking to his sister all night, "hey, long time no see huh?" "Yeah, long time no see" "look, Y/n I'm really sorry for being a jerk towards you" "it's fine Bruce, just forget it"
"Why'd you even stop being friends with me?" The teenage boy asked, "I don't know, you were just so caught up in the popular life that you were that you started ignoring me" "oh... I'm sorry Y/n, look, I've missed you, I've missed your company, your voice, your laugh, your everything!" Bruce said starting to tear up a bit, "I've missed you to Brucey," she said hugging the boy in front of her.

"Ok kids the count down is starting!" Said Mrs Yamada.

As everyone was counting down, Bruce had a sudden idea, he was going to kiss Y/n.




The girls eyes widened as she felt a pair of lips of hers, when she realised who it was, she melted in the kiss, when everyone else saw, the only thing that was heard in the room were aw's and ooo~'s, they both pulled away, both a blushing mess, "I'm sorry!" Shouted Bruce, hold onto the back of his neck, "it's fine Bruce" said Y/n looking at Mrs Yamada and her mom who were both crying tears of joy, "look Y/n/n, I've liked you for a while now" said the boy not making eye contact, "I like you to Brucey" said the girl trying to look in his eyes, once he heard that his eye light up and shoot his head up, "would you like to be my girlfriend?" Asked Bruce with a slight blush upon his cheeks, there was no answer until he felt two arms rap around his torso, he heard a muffled yes coming from his shoulder.

At that moment he knew the he was HERS forever.




hi guys, sorry I haven't posted, I've been try to make this for a while now and I didn't have ideas so I was going back and fourth making this, and I know it's not new years any more but who cares 🤷‍♀️, hope you enjoyed my story and pls go read my other book. Bye !

𝐻𝑒𝑟 ~ Bruce Yamada x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now