Lab partner

764 14 26

September 16th 1977

No one's pov:

It was 3rd period and y/n was in science. The teacher had just told the class to pick their lab partners for the rest of the year.

Bruce's pov:

Our teacher told us to pick our lab partners for the rest of the year, I really wanted my lab partner to be y/n but I don't know how to go and talk to her. I mean we haven't talked in about 2 weeks I think and all shes been doing when I look at her is either talking to Finney, Robin and Gwen or giving me the death stare.

I decided to go up to y/n when I saw her go to Finney & i was disappointed but went up to Tom, one of my friends, as he didn't have a lab partner either.

Finney's pov:

We where in the middle of science when I see a note being pasted from my left. I was y/n. On the front it said "open me Finn", I giggled at what I had said on it. I opened it to see what she had wrote,

Finn wanna have a sleep over tonight?, I ganna be home alone and I'm scared shitless

I again giggle and wrote back

Sure it's a Friday anyway so Gwens going to be at Suzies house and I'm not tutoring Robin :)

I slid whe note back to her side of the desk and wait for a response. After a few minutes I see a familiar note wiggle it's way to my side of the desk, I open the note to see a very happy response,


As I read the note I blushed a little, I hide my face trying to not make my blush noticeable, but I think she noticed.

If I'm being honest with myself I've had a crush on y/n ever since Gwen introduced her to us. She just looked so beautiful, not saying she doesn't look beautiful every day, it's just I haven't really seen her around only a couple of time but never really got the chance to talk to her.

Her smile, it's just so beautiful, her laugh is contagious & her gorgeous e/c eyes are everything I live for. I could never tell her I like her though, I would ruin our friendship, and I can't bare to lose her right now, she's my everything, my heart, my comfort person, I've only known her 2 weeks and I already feel as if I lose her my worlds going to shatter beneath me.

Y/n's pov:

As I watched Finn read the note I passed him, I saw a slight blush creep up on his face. I giggled at this; I knew Finn got flustered easily and was very shy when I came to showing affection to a girl, other than Gwen, even if it was a friend that's a girl.

But sometimes I feel as if my feelings are stronger than just as friends, it's like I have a crush on him. But I've only known him for 2 weeks and I've already got a crush on him.

I as have a crush on my old friend Bruce Yamada, I don't know who I like more Finney or Bruce. I've known Bruce longer but we aren't friends anymore really and known Finn for only two weeks.



Hey guys, I'm back :). How do we deal about the live triangle, should I do a chap where we see y/n and Finney haveing ALOT of tension or Bruce trying to talk to y/n let me know, just don't be a silent reader pls I would love to see some comments ☺️

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