Fake boyfriend

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This chapter will be inspired by one of the scenes in flipped when Bryce is walking hand-in-hand with Sherry Stalls

September 19th 1977

Y/n's POV:

As the days pasted I realised that the feelings for Finney were just a small crush and that I only felt that way because I've been spending so much time with him, yesterday he told me he has a thing for Donna and that he used to like me.

I really wanted to make Bruce jealous so that he could talk to me, so did Finney with Donna so we made a plan to fake date.

September 20th 1977 (the next day)

Bruce's POV:

I was at my locker getting my books for first period when I turned around to see MY Y/n walking hand-in-hand with Finney Blake, one of the boys from the opposite team I was playing a week ago.

I felt myself frown and my blood boil, I couldn't watch anymore so I turned back to my locker and tried to calm myself down by thinking about things other than Y/n and Finney dating.

Y/n's POV:

When I saw Bruce turn back around to face his locker I knew he had seen me and Finney walking hand-in-hand. Now it's time to make Donna jealous, I didn't know exactly what to do but that when I heard Finney say, "follow my lead Y/n/n, ok?" In response I just nodded.

Sense Donna was in my first period class Finney walked me there. To no surprise Donna was sitting down on her chair and looking at the door to see who was coming in, when she saw Finney her eyes lit up, that's when Finney kissed my cheek and said "see you in science babe," and shot me a smile, "yeah see you in science bye baby," I said as I smiled back.

I walked in class to see Donna shorting daggers at me. If looks could kill I would be 20ft under. I took my seat in the back row and saw Bruce walk in, he started to walk to the back row and sit beside me?

Bruce's POV:

I walked in class and saw Y/n sit down in the back row. I decided to go sit beside her, for some reason I walked to talk to her.

"Heard you and Finney are dating" I told her but didn't look at her.

She snapped her head to look at me, "uh yeah, asked me out yesterday" she just looked at me and smiled.

I finally looked at her, something about those dazzling eyes and that beautiful smile. I smiled back and snapped my head back to the front of the room as the bell rang to tell everyone that class has started.

Y/n's POV:

HOLY SHIT! Bruce Yamada finally talked to me, I was a short conversation but it felt good to talk to him again, but I wasn't like the olden times when we were kids.

*after class*

I went to go find Finney to tell him about what happened. I saw him talking to Donna, I guess that she really was jealous and wanted to ask him out, I walked up to them and hugged Finney from behind. He turned around and smiled, "hey babe, you need anything?" He asked me, "yeah, can I talk to you..... alone please?" I asked looking at Donna, she just rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Right what do you need Y/n/n?" He asked me leaning on his locker

"Bruce talked to me!, I think we made him jealous!" I whisper shouted so only Finney could hear me

"Same I think we made Donna jealous too!, did you see the way she was looking at me!," he also whisper shouted

"Yeah! We just have to keep the act up for 2-3 more days and then we can break up!" I told him

"Good idea!, right let's go to science we're going to be late!" He told me and took my hand to drag me to class.



How do we feel about this chap? I quit like it, idk but the next one is going to be at least a 2-3 day time skip so that when you and Finney break up from the fake relationship.

Bye hope your enjoy my book so far! Good night/noon/morning from any where you are

𝐻𝑒𝑟 ~ Bruce Yamada x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now