The day we parted

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September 7th 1977

Y/n pov:

Right now I'm in my first period class with my so called best friend, Bruce.

I don't know why but when we hang out he's been very quiet and doesn't look a bit interested in what I say, he just talks about his new friends and how so many girls have asked him out by the past couple of days.

I just sit there and listen. Due to the fact that Bruce hit puberty over the summer and got tall and much more good looking, he's got girls running after him and now fits right in with the popular people.

We've been talking less and less because he's says, "sorry, but by friends invited me to go to the diner with them, next time ok?" Or "I cant I have baseball practice today, sorry".

Honestly, if he doesn't have time for his BEST FRIEND, then think I'm going to end this friendship, as much as it hurts me to let go my best friend of 12 years go, I have to do this for mine and his own good, I mean he barely has anytime for our friendship any more, I think im going to talk to him after class.

After class

As the bell rang everyone packed up and ran out the door, I ran after Bruce to talk to him about ending our friendship.

"Bruce!, wait can I talk to you?" "Yeah what's up?" "I don't want to be friends anymore," "oh ok, well I hope your going to be fine without me,".

I was surprised at what he said, I thought he was going to protest, like he always does, but he just let the friendship end like that.

I felt tears weld up on my eyes and ran to the girls toilets, I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into a girl, "I'm so sorry" "oh it's fine, are you ok you look upset, by the way I'm Gwen" "Y/n, I'm not really ok, just ended a friendship that lasted for over 12 years," "oh, I'm sorry to hear, would you maybe want to be friends? You can sit with me, my brother and just friend at lunch," " would love to, I have to go to class now bye Gwen," "bye Y/n see you at lunch!" "See you!"


Maja speaks!

Hi guys sorry I haven't updated in a while, just haven't been feeling myself, but I'll make sure to update more :), sorry it's a short chapter btw.

𝐻𝑒𝑟 ~ Bruce Yamada x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now