Baseball game

810 12 23

September 14th 1977

Finneys Pov:

Last week Gwen had introduced her friend Y/n, and ever since that day she's been in our group. But sometimes I catch this guy Bruce staring at her, bit creepy if you ask me, but guessing they know each other or something?

Today I have a baseball game and I think it's against the guy Bruce's team. I invited y/n to the game, but I think shes already going to the game with Gwen & Robin.

Y/ns pov:

Right now Im getting ready to go to my new friends Finney's game. I was just about finished when I heard a knock on the door. I ran down the stairs and opened the door to see Gwen & Robin standing there, "hey y/n/n, ready to go?", Robin asked "Yep just one second, let me put my shoes on".

After I put my shoes on, I got my stuff and told my mom where I was going, "ok and just be careful, and you see Bruce tell him I said hi," "mom I told you we're not friends anymore!" "oh right sorry sweetie, have fun!" "thank mom, bye!".

"Never knew you used to be friends with THE Bruce Yamada!", exclaimed Robin "Yeah well the day Gwen introduced me to you & Finney was the day I cut all strings with Bruce, plus he's a show off now, always was"

At the baseball game*

Bruce's pov:

Me and my team were warming up, when I saw HER walking to the bleachers with Robin Arellano, one of the toughest kids next in line to Vance Hopper, the most feared and scariest kid in town.

Back to the point. I watched as she laughed and joked with her new friends, something we used to do before my games (do you get déjà vú 🤨, sorry back to the story), she finally looked at me, the eye contact was intense, honestly I think she was death staring me, who can blame her, I literally ditched for those popular kids. Sometimes I still feels like she's with me laughing and joking when I'm at lunch.

Time skip to when the games about to end*

The game was about to end and had one chance to win, the pitchers (I think his names Finney) arm is mint he got two strikes already and if I lose, I lose my chance to impress HER.

Finney was about throw, I got in position, he throws, I HIT THE BALL, I start running to each base, once I get the last base my team was there waiting for me, they where cheering and chanting "BRUCE, BRUCE, BRUCE", I looked at the crowd and saw y/n already looking at me, I send her a smile in which in return I just get a eye roll. I must have really hurt her by my behaviour from the week before.


Everyone one from my team and the other team were shaking hands, I saw that one pitcher that almost had me so I decided to talk to him, "man your arm is mint, you almost had me!" I send him one of my signature smiles in which he returns, "good game" he says walking away, "good game" I respond.

Y/ns pov:

Me, Gwen & Robin were waiting for Finney at the pitch as everyone went home, or went to the grab 'n' go, as the players came out, one player caught my eye, Bruce Yamada, he was looking at me for some reason, he has this whole game, I've just death stared him or gave him a eye roll, but deep down I know that I didn't mean all of that, deep down I still loved him more than anything in this world.



Maja speaks!

How do we feel about this chapter, it honestly reminds me of the song "let her go" by passenger, especially that one line in the chorus that goes like "only know you love her when you let her go", and let's just pretend this all happened not in 1978 😃 ok, good.

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