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F/ic/f = favourite ice cream flavour

Y/n's POV:

It was after school. Me and Finn were walking to his house to get his stuff.

"Are you SURE that your dad will let you go over to my house?"

"Y/n/n im sure, I'll just tell him I'm going to Robins and he'll let me"

"Ok Finn, just get your stuff quick, it's cold out and I don't want to wait long"

"Ok I'll be as quick as I can"

I knew everything about Finney's and Gwen's dad all though I haven't meet him yet, Gwens really talkative so thats why I know everything about him. And I mean EVERYTHING, I know that he abuses them, I've offered to help but they said "no it'll make things worse for us!".

Finney's POV:

As me and Y/n walked up to my house I went to grab my keys but saw the door was unlocked, that means dad was home. I sneak a glance to the living room where dad usually was and to no surprise he was pasted out on his favourite chair. He's been a drunk ever since mum killed herself over 2 years ago. He's even worse on their anniversary. That's why I don't bring anyone over to my house.

'Good he's past out, I'll just leave a note for him to see' I thought to myself

I went up to my room and tried to pack as fast as I could. After I was done packing i grabbed an piece of paper and a pen then wrote a note

 After I was done packing i grabbed an piece of paper and a pen then wrote a note

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I set the note on the side table that was beside his chair and headed outside

"Finally, took you long enough!" Y/n complained

*Time skip to going to Y/n house*

Y/n's POV:

As I took my key out my pocket to open the door Finn and I were talking about random stuff, well more like arguing about what Ice cream flavour was the best,

"No definitely f/ic/f is the best flavour!" I said as I opened the door.

"Now see, that's where your wrong, vanilla is the best flavour"

"NO! vanilla is so bland and boring while f/ic/f is so rich and flavourful" I said waliking into my house closing the door behind me and going to my bedroom

"Fine ok ok I give up, f/ic/f is the best flavour" he said with so much sarcasm

"What do you want to do ?" I asked Finney

"I don't know...o o o let's watch a movie!" He said in response

"good idea, what movie you want to watch?" I asked going over to my drawer full of  VHS tapes

"Do you have Enter the dragon?" He asked going over to me

"I don't think so but my brother should" I said standing up to go to my brothers room which was right beside mine.

My brother was way older than me, I'm 13 and he's already 19, he moved out when he turned 18 to go to uni all the way to Harvard in Cambridge to become a lawyer, i don't know why he wants to be a lawyer but it's been his dream ever since he was eleven.

"FOUND IT!" Shouted to let Finney know I have found the movie

I walked back to my room and put the VHS tape in my Tv.

"Wait here I'll be back with some snacks, you can start the movie if you want, I've seen this at least 1,000 times because of my brother" I told Finn as I walked out my room and into the kitchen to grab some snacks

After I got the snacks I went back to my room
And the part where braithwaite and lee where talking about the martial arts tournament.

I sat down on my bed next to Finney and started watching with him

*after the movie*

By the time the movie ended it was near 5pm.

"Wanna go to the park, it's not far from my house, just a 5 minute walk" I said munching on one of my Reese cups

"Sure why not"

*I'm to lazy and this chap is way to long so time skip to you two going back home*

By the time we got home it was already nearly 11pm so when we got home so we changed straight in to our pyjamas

"YOU CAN COME IN FINNEY!" I shouted loud enough for Finney to hear from the other side of the door.

Once came in I had already set up a sleeping bag on the floor beside my bed for him

*10 minutes later*

"Y/n? You awake?" Finney asked shaking me

"I'm awake now, what do you need Finn?" I asked Finney turning my body over to the other side

"I can't sleep" he told me with a straight face

"Ok, you can sleep in my bed if you want " I said to him.

As Finney climbed to to my bed, I had already turned back to the other side.

After about 5 minutes I felt weight on my hip and felt a hand cuddle me. I felt as heat rose up to my face 'thank god it's dark so he can't see my face'  I thought to myself

Soon enough I was falling asleep



GAWD DAMN, this really took me like 3 DAYS 💀, like why is this so long for no reason 😭

Rip my thumbs for typing so much

𝐻𝑒𝑟 ~ Bruce Yamada x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now