The fire

496 11 2

Age: 4

Michako was born in New York and her parents couldn't have been more happier on that day. She grew up in their little three bedroom apartment, and was very happy. She was a very artsy child. She drew on the wall in her room once and her mother then helped her make it look even better. Her parents raised her well. She was treated well by the kids in her preschool class, and almost all she met were nice to her. 

That is until the day fire happened.

Michako was 4 years old, she didn't understand much at this time. It was late September, and she was sitting in her room with a coloring book filling in the pictures. She didn't expect anything crazy that day, unforunately the world wanted otherwise. 

Michako sat up when she heard the sound of running feet towards her room. Her mother, Mia, ran in.

"Michako! Kite! Koko kara denakereba narimasen!" Her mother spoke to her in Japanese.

Her mother picked her up and rushed her out of her room. 

Michako couldn't help but notice the house was hotter. That's when she saw the monster. It was huge and red and orange. Michako squeaked in fear. It had nearly swallowed up their kitchen, and her father, Akihiko, joined them as they rushed to the door. Suddenly, the ceiling in front of the door collapsed and blocked their exit. Mia screamed and rushed toward the fire escape window. The monster burned up against the three of them, one flame burned Michako's right arm. Michako cried out in pain. Akihiko was behind them but them the two girls heard him shout. A wooden part of their kitchen fell on top of him.

"Ike! Get out of here!" He shouted. 

Mia nodded and rushed to the window. She started to open it, when it stopped in the middle of opening. It was stuck and Mia was not strong enough to open it up. She panicked knowing that she would not fit. She started to cry as she picked up her four year old daughter. She helped Michako through the window, and when she was on the platform of the fire escape, the child turned around to face her mother.

"Mama, come on!" Cried the little girl.

The mother shook her head and tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"Michako, know that me and your daddy love you, and that we will never leave you! We can't come with you, but you can remember me and your dad with this."

Her mother took off her necklace and reached her hands out the window and put it on the child's neck. 

"Mommy?" Michako cried,  tears started to roll down her face.

Her mother smiled at her for the last time and then closed the window, accepting her fate. 

"Mommy! MOMMY! MAMA NO! COME BACK!" She cried.

The child banged her tiny fists against the window. Crying for her parents. It wasn't until 30 minutes later that the firemen came down and got her down. She cried and screamed the entire time. 

Little did Michako know this was just the beginning of her hardships.

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