Sleepless night

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Michako was tossing and turning in her bed. She was having another nightmare.

She was in her old room, she looked around. Everything was the same as she left it. Except no one was there. 

"Mommy?" She cried.

She wandered around the empty apartment, then suddenly fire sprung from the oven in the kitchen. She shrieked and dropped to the ground. The fire growled at her in a raspy voice.

"I will get you! Like how I got your parents!" 

"N-no! I'm safe! Go away!"

The fire spread around her, then a figure walked out of  the flames. Her aunt.

Her aunt looked taller and more monstrous, she loomed over the child, and hissed.

"It's your fault they're gone! You didn't even do anything to save your parents!"

"N-no! Mommy, knew what she was doing! I didn't want this to happen!"

Voices came started to yell at her from all around "Useless!" "Pathetic!" "You can't even do anything right!" 

"How do you know your new family won't be killed? What if they don't want you anymore?" Her aunt hissed.

"That's not true! T-they love me! Raphie, Donnie, Leo, and Mikey, a-a-and, Dad was nice to me!" She cried.

The voices got louder, and she covered her ears to block out the sound, when her arm started burning with pain. 

She cried.

Michako woke up with a scream, and shot up in bed, tears running down her face and her back soaked in sweat. 

She looked around her room, and found it still the same. She looked down at the scar on her arm. No pain.  

She started to sob, she curled up and started to shake. 

Then her door shot open.

"What's wrong? What happened? What- oh." Splinter came in a rush but then saw his daughter.

He sat down on her bed.

"Bad dream?" He asked.

She nodded.

"Hey, it's okay, calm down-" He reached out to calm her down, but she flinched and scooted farther away from him.

He sighed, then noticed four small silhouettes peeking around the door frame. 

"Boys, go to bed."

They all came into view, and stood there in the doorway.

"We-we heard Michi scream, is she okay?" Asked Raph.

"She had a bad dream Raphael, boys-" 

Leo then ran in and got into the bed already, and snuggled up next to his sister.

"Hey! Little sis! It's okay! We're here! Your mean old aunt can't hurt you! Right guys?" He looked at his brothers.

"Yeah!" said Raph, hopping onto the bed with Leo and Michako. Donnie and Mikey followed.

"Yeah! Raph's right! If your aunt ever comes near you, we'll, we'll, uhm, punch her! And dad can use his cool ninja moves, to beat her up!" Donnie said.

Michako giggled. She was calmer around her brothers, and Splinter could see that now. 

"We'll protect you little sis! No one will hurt you!" Raph said. 

"T-thanks." Said Michako. 

Splinter smiled and stood up. "Boys, do you want to have a sleepover in Michako's room?"

The small terrapins perked up and exclaimed "Yeah!" 

"Go get some blankets and you guys can camp out in here with her." 

The boys raced out of the room and came back in a few minutes later. They set up a big nest of pillows and blankets on Michako's floor, and made a tent above it with sheets and blankets.

After they were all settled in, Splinter told them all goodnight and they snuggled up with Michako and happily fell asleep. 

Michako slept better than she had in a year. 

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