Settling in

329 10 3

Age: 5

The boys and Splinter took Michako back to the sewer where they lived, she wasn't repulsed by the fact they lived down there, just fascinated by the sewer's inner workings. They got to their home and Splinter got out the medical supplies. He sat Michako down in a chair while the turtle brothers watched from a distance.

"Okay, give me your hand." He said.

Michako lifted her hand and he took some rubbing alcohol and put it on her wound. She flinched, because it stung, but kept letting her father do what he needed to. When he had finished cleaning the cut he took some gauze and placed it on the wound, then he took the bandage and wrapped it around the center, securing the gauze.

"There we go! Feel better?" He asked the child.


"Great let's get you a room set up!" He said.

"Oh oh! I want her to be next to me!" Said Leo.

"How come Leo gets to have her sleeping next to her, I want her room next to mine!" Shouted Mikey.

"Guys, I'm the oldest, her room should be next to mine!" Said Raph.

"Boys! No arguing! She will be next to Donnie's room because he didn't demand to have her next to his room!"

The three other boys frowned and looked at Donnie, and Donnie just gave them the most smuggest smirk.

They walked to her room and she looked inside. 

There was already a bed there and a shelf above it, with a nightstand at the side of the bed. Michako looked around her room and sat down on the bed. She still had her bag from earlier, and started unpacking things while Leo and Mikey had run off to go get stuff for her room. 

Raph and Donnie sat down on the bed with her. 

"Hey, Michako! I just realized!" Said Raph. "Since we're gonna be your brothers you have to know our names!"

She nodded and said "You're right, what's your names?" 

"Well, I'm Rapheal, but you can call me Raph!"

And Donnie then exclaimed "I'm Donatello, but you can call me Donnie! Or Don, or Dee." 

"And our other brothers names are Leonardo, or Leo, he's wearing blue, and our little brother Michealangelo, we call him Mikey." Raph said.

"How old are you Michako?" Asked Donnie.

"Five, my birthday is on Feburary 20th." 

"That's cool! So you're around the same age as me and Leo, but younger, so you're mine, Raph, and Leo's little sister, but Mikey's older sister." Said Donnie. 

Leo and Mikey ran in with, paper, crayons, string lights, blankets, and assorted supplies to decorate her room. 

"Let's get crafty!" Shouted Mikey.

Michako flinched and covered her ears when Mikey yelled.

"Mikey! You scared her!" Hissed Donnie, pulling the little girl into a hug.

"Michako? Are you okey? You're shaking!" Said Leo.

She shook her head no, vigorously. "M-my aunt yelled like that, then she would hit me, I don't like shouting!" She started to cry and Splinter ran in, carrying a box.

He set it down and took the 5-year old from Don.

"Boys! Be more gentle around her!" He sighed, knowing he would scare her more if he got mad. "Boys, you remember our talk about fire safety?"

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