Your new family

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Age: 5

Splinter always took his sons out to play. They loved playing on playgrounds and the city streets. This time he found a playground closer to their home in the sewer. Splinter's mutation was not easy, he had to drop his dream as an action star, and move to the sewer, because he was seen as a freak. However, it wasn't all bad, he had his new sons now: the oldest, Raphael, or Raph, the twins Donatello and Leonardo, or Donnie and Leo, and Michelangelo or Mikey. Mikey started to call him Splinter, as he would practice karate chopping boards of wood in half. He loved them all but they were rowdy kids who needed to get out so every night he would take them out somewhere to play. 

"Dad! This playground looks fun!" Said Leo, running up the slide steps.

Splinter chuckled as his sons immediately went to playing. 

"Dad! Dad! Dad!" He heard his youngest repeating. Mikey was tugging on his clothes.

"Yes, Michelangelo?" Splinter said crouching down at his level.

"Can you push meh on the swings?" He asked.


Mikey hopped on the swing and Splinter started to push the small box turtle back and forth on the swing.

"Weee! Higher!" Mikey giggled.

Splinter laughed, but then he heard a strange noise. It almost sounded like crying. He stopped pushing Mikey and paused to look in the direction of the crying. 

"Awww, what happened." His youngest whined.

"Nothing, just, hold on for a second, go play with your brothers."

"Okay!" The little turtle said.

Mikey hopped off the swing and went to go play tag with the other three.


Splinter followed the noise to an alleyway. Is that a cat? No a cat's cries sound more howl like. He thought. Then he saw her. A little girl curled up next to a trash can. She was bawling her eyes out, but what disturbed Splinter the most was she had a huge gash open on her hand that was bleeding, bruises on her face, and a huge patch of her skin was red like a scar on her left arm. She had short black hair, with a pink headband, and she wore a pastel pink shirt with grey magenta shorts, and dark blue shoes. Around her neck was a gold chain necklace with a blue stone pendant. She was shaking like a leaf and tears kept running down her face as she cried loudly.

Splinter crouched down to her level and got closer to her.

"Hey, there." He said, softly, as not to scare her.

She immediately stopped bawling and her head shot up. She still had tears running down her face but she was quiet now.

"Hey, are you okay?" He scooted closer, and she flinched.

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you." He said. "Are you okay? Why are you crying? How did you get hurt?"

She hesitated for a second, then she shakily spoke. "I-I'm crying be-because my Mommy and Daddy are gone."

"What happened?"

"The big scary monster swallowed them up, and it hurt me." She pointed at her scar on her arm, and Splinter finally realized what it was. It was a burn scar, her parents had died in a fire.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"A-and then, these men sent me to my auntie, but she kept hitting me, and hitting me when I did a mis-mistake, when I didn't mean to!" She started to sob some more.

Splinter put all the pieces together. This girl had run away, from an aunt who was abusing her, and she had no parents or any safe family members she knew. He had experienced the loss of a parent as a child but this poor girl had it worse. He knew what he had to do.

"Hey, did you have any siblings?"

She shook her head no.

"Do you want another family?"

She nodded, and said "They can't replace Mommy and Daddy."

"Of course not. Hey, what's your name?"


"Michako, how would you like to join my family? I'm sure my sons would love you as their sister, and you'd fit in perfectly."

She perked up and her big green eyes were suddenly filled with hope.


Splinter nodded, and said "You want to?"

She jumped up and hugged the rat man.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you!" She started to cry again.

He smiled and picked her up and walked out of the alleyway and over to the playground where his sons were at.

"Do you like turtles?" He asked her.

She nodded.

"Well just so you know, my sons are turtles, but they can talk and walk." 


"Yes, and if you don't mind, I'm a rat."

"Rats are cute!" She said.

He chuckled and saw the four young turtles.

"Raphael! Donatello! Leonardo! Michelangelo! Come here!"

The four boys ran over and saw their father with the girl.

"Dad whose that?" Raph asked.

"Boys, this is Michako. She's going to be your new sister." He answered.

The boys took a minute to process while Splinter set down the 5-year old girl. 

Leo was the first to react.


He instantly pulled her into a hug, and then Mikey reacted.

"Wow! We get a sister? Do you like art? Wow, your eyes are pretty! I like your shirt! How'd you get that red spot on your arm?" He asked her.

Next was Donnie.

"A human? That's cool! Oh mi gosh your hand! Dad, should we take her to the lair? I can get out the gauze tape and rubbing alcohol, and we can get that taken care of! Are you okay? Your eyes are red and puffy! Were you crying?"

Then Raph who just scooped her up and put her on his shoulders.

"LITTLE SIS!" He shouted happily.

Michako smiled and giggled. 

Splinter was glad to see her happy and the boys had already accepted her, but Donnie was right they needed to take care of her injuries. 

"Boys we're going back home, we have to get your sister a room set up." 

"Woo! Room decoration!" Shouted Leo and Mikey running ahead.

Michako laughed and smiled, already happy with her new family. 

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