🎩Imagine Meeting Razzle Dingley...

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You watched in awe from backstage as your best friend, Michael, and his band played through their last song of their set. You were more of a little sister to Michael than a friend really, having known each other since you were eleven and he was thirteen, and recently he'd half employed you as a roadie to help with backstage. In reality you hadn't done much but no one seemed to mind you were there, having become quite good friend with Sami and being liked by the other band members.
You clapped and cheered along with crowd as the boys finished, waving to their fans, Michael blowing kisses befire exiting the stage. Michael headed straight to you with a huge beaming smile, arms wide.
"Well what did you think?"He questioned as if he didn't already know your answer.
You rolled your eyes in a good natured manner."Amazing!"
He spun you around gleefully, making you giggle."Unsurprisingly, we are rarely anything less than spectacular!"
As the blonde man stopped twirling with you, a voice from an actual roadie called for him."Oi, Mikey! This guy says he knows you!"
You saw Michael's face light up, prompting you to turn around and see an incredibly pale guy with longish dark hair, standing beside the roadie.
"Nick!"Your best friend exclaimed with a beaming smile before waving him over. Nick returned the smile and headed in your direction after the roadie stepped aside."Good to see you, man!"
"Um actually it's Razzle, mate."The dark haired man corrected Michael. You felt tingles as soon as his English accent reached your ears, so much so you subconsciously wrapped your arms around yourself as if you had the shivers.
"Right Razzle, sorry."Your best friend nodded before turning to you."Raz, this is Y/N, Y/N, Razzle Dingley."
The British man with the peculiar nickname came to face you as well."Nice to meet you."
"Oh uhm, same here."You smiled, becoming increasingly more flustered."Nice to meet you too."
"So about the position of your drummer?"Razzle inquired, once again talking to Michael.
The blonde smiled."Well, I'll have to discuss it with the rest of the band and of course they'll want to hear you play but I can't imagine them having too much of a problem."
"You play drums?"You asked Razzle.
He nodded with a grin."Yup, do you?"
"No."You shook your head."But it seems fun, I've been thinking about learning."
"Who knows maybe if the other members don't want me joining Hanoi Rocks I'll end up teaching."Razzle joked with a shrug.
Michael clapped his hands, pulling both you and the drummer's attention back to him."So while I go talk to the band about you joining, Y/N, you'll take good care of our new friend won't you?"
You looked back to Razzle again."Of course."

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