💎Imagine Meeting Michael Monroe...

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It was quite a slow day at the make up counter in the shop where you worked but you weren't complaining. No bratty kids trying to look twenty instead of twelve, no sad older women trying to reclaim their youth, no dads panicked for what to buy their daughter and no assholes trying dirty pick up lines on you. Your friend had just gotten off work to go to her sister's baby shower so it was only you, a woman at the pills and medicines counter and a man at the checkout near the front of the store.
You flipped through the pages of the new Kerrang magazine, not exactly reading it just sort of flipping blindly through the brightly coloured pages and day dreaming. That was until a clattering to your right brought you back to reality, making you look over to see a long haired blonde man, swearing and bent over to pick up the nail varnishes he must've knocked off the stand.
"Sir, it's ok let me help you with that."You told him as you walked over.
After a moment you'd managed to collect all the somehow still intact bottles between the both of you and put them back to their rightful places.
"Anteeksi- I mean sorry about that."The blonde man apologised as you stepped back to the counter where your magazine sat, still not looking properly at him."Thanks for helping me."
"No problem."You waved him off, really looking to just get through this shift without a pointless conversation.
You heard footsteps, you assumed his, and suppressing a groan you looked up from the magazine only to almost gasp at his face.
Your jaw dropped open and obviously he noticed, his eyes widening in concern.
"What's wr-"He began put you cut him off.
You flipped the magazine back to its cover looking down at the man playing the saxophone and back up at the same man standing in front of you.
"This is you!"You exclaimed, pointing at the magazine.
He peered at the cover and beamed a wide smile."You have good taste in magazines and I'm assuming music."
"The best."You told him, managing to calm yourself down from a celebrity talking to you."Who do you think controls the music in here?"
The blonde man laughed a little, nodding."Aerosmith, they're big even in Finland. That's where I'm from. I'm Michael Monroe."
"Really?"You questioned, his name certainly didn't sound too Finnish.
He shrugged."Well not my given name but it's what I chose."
"It's nice to meet you, Michael."You said before biting your lip and looking back at the glossy magazine."Would you mind uhm maybe...signing this for me?"
"I'd love to!"Michael seemed delighted."If you have a pen."
You pulled one from your bag."It's pink, sorry."
"Not a problem, kiitos."He thanked you before gracefully signing the magazine with swirling motions."Maybe I'll see you at one of our shows sometime?"
"Maybe."You smiled as he turned to leave.
You looked back down at the magazine to see he had also written something else
Our next show is at the Hippodrome in London, you should check us out.
You blushed but quickly you were brought back to reality at the alarm of the store blaring.
You looked up to see Michael rush back in and over to you."Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to steal these! Can I pay for them here?"
He asked dropping some nail polish bottles on the counter before you.
"Yeah sure."You laughed as you began scanning them."I'm Y/N, by the way."
"I'll put your name on the list."

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