🐷Imagine Meeting Duff McKagan...

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You had never been more bored in your life. You'd been at this random club for what felt like years but really it couldn't have been more than two hours, time really doesn't fly when your sober. You were quite good friends with Mötley Crüe, especially Nikki, and while you were staying with him for a bit until you got your own place the boys had managed to convince you to go out with them. It was a big step for you considering last time you went partying with them was four years ago and ended up with Nikki wrecking a guy's nose, Tommy somehow being arrested, Vince disappearing to god knows where and Mick being the only one left to make sure you got home.
Unfortunately for you, this time Mick had decided to sit this night out which means you had to rely on the other three idiots to make sure you didn't get murdered. Tommy left with a girl pretty early on without a word to anyone, Vince said he was going to go get drinks but had been gone for over an hour, so Nikki was the only one still with you but he much more interested in his bottle of Jack and some dudes he had just met than actually spending time with you.
Eventually you'd had enough of being sober and bored and decided to head up to the bar, either to finally get a damn drink or find where Vince had wandered off to.
"I need to see ID."The bartender spoke, face as bored as you felt, despite the buzzing party scene.
You widened your eyes."Excuse me?"
"ID."She spoke slowly as if you were stupid."I need to see it before I serve you."
You'd always had this problem and yeah you weren't twenty one yet, you were twenty but everyone always assumed you were much younger than you already were. All of your friends teased you about being the baby of the group because you were the youngest, only had two exes, avoided doing any kinds of drugs and was still a virgin.
"Look, I'm twenty one."You lied confidently to the bartender who looked blankly back at you for a moment before walking away to the other side of the bar to serve someone else. You rolled your eyes and muttered under your breath."Fuck this."
That's when you heard a chuckle from beside or rather above you, causing you to look up to see a tree of a man with an amused smirk on his face.
"That was just embarrassing."He commented, knowing he had got your attention by the way you were glaring at him."What age are you even? Sixteen?"
"I'm twenty!"You exclaimed before adding sourly."Fucking uptight bitch, this place is packed and I'm sure no one else is checking ID."
The blonde guy shrugged."She didn't ask me for mine."
"Yeah because you're a fucking giraffe."You grumbled.
"Was that supposed to be an insult?"He laughed again, not getting a reply from you he leant over the bar and called to a second bartender."A vodka soda aaaaaaand fuck it, just get me the bottle of vodka."
And in less than a minute the drink and bottle were placed in front of him.
"For you."He told you, handing the glass to you with a smile.
You took the drink from him."You just guessed that I wanted a vodka soda?"
"Was I wrong?"The blonde questioned just before you downed the whole drink which seemed to impress him as his seemingly permanent smile only grew."Usually a good deed warrants at least a thank you."
You set the glass back on the bar."Thank you..?"
"Duff."He informed you with a nod.
"Y/N."You replied before smiling yourself."Get me another drink and you might learn more."
Duff raised an eyebrow."I'll do you one better, kitten."
He winked making you confused before he shouted over the loud music."EVERYONE PARTY BACK AT MY PLACE!!! DRINKS ARE FREE!!! NO IDS NEEDED!!! LETS GO!!!"
The whole club cheered.
"Are you serious?"You asked Duff as he grabbed your hand and began to drag you out with him.
"Deadly."He smiled as the rest of the club followed you.

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