😎Imagine Meeting Andy McCoy...

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"Miss! Excuse me!"
"Hallå? Förlåt, I mean hello."
"You speak English? Thank god!"A random, dark haired man threw his arms around you once he reached you, the horrible odour of sweat hitting your nostrils.
"Dude, haven't you ever heard of deodorant?"You questioned, extracting yourself from his embrace.
"Hey!"He exclaimed, stepping away."It is what has to be the hottest day of the year and my idiot of a friend here seems to have gotten us lost, so I have been walking around with him all day in the blistering heat!"
"Ok then."You said after he finished his little outburst."Where are you trying to get to, maybe I can help. And point you to nearest pharmacy because you really do stink."
The man gave you a sarcastic smile."Yeah, that'd be great. Just let me..."- the man turned away and gave a groan before shouting -"Oi, Andy! Get over here!"
You looked to see another dark haired man blow a kiss to a beautiful woman before swaggering over to both you and his unpleasantly smelling friend. Judging by the way he was strutting over and his smirk he seemed to be much less concerned about being lost in a foreign country than his friend.
"Hello there."He lifted his hat up and moved his fringe to the side, his smirk turning into a grin."I'm Andy, how you doing?"
He held his hand out to you, you assumed for a handshake, only to realise you assumed wrong when he brought your hand to his lips to kiss it.
"For two seconds,"The first man took a deep breath, his tone clearly frustrated with Andy."can you not flirt with every woman you see? Is that too much to ask?"
Andy brought your hand away from his mouth but continued to hold it."Ye-"
"Don't worry, I'm not interested."Cutting him off, taking your hand back.
"Ouch."Andy commented."Th-"
"There's a first time for everything."The first man you'd spoken to rushed out."Andy used to live here and by here I mean the country Sweden, not this town that we have been running around like headless chickens because he has gotten us lost and refuses to ask for directions! So can you please tell us whe-"
"Calm down, man."Andy told him with a chuckle."Have you even introduced yourself to the beautiful..?"
"Y/N."You informed him, rolling your eyes as the word beautiful.
"The beautiful Y/N."Andy finished.
The first man muttered."I hate when you do this. I'm Nasty."
"Nasty?"You questioned before something clicked."Wait, as in Nasty Suicide?"
Nasty looked surprised."Yes, you know us?"
"Kind of, my friend's a fan and she's taking me to your gig tonight."You told him before turning to Andy."So you must be Andy McCoy."
"The one and only, doll."He winked."Nice to get some recognition, especially from such a beautiful woman."
You rolled your eyes once more."Alright, first of all, stop that. My ex was a singer, a pretty shitty one at that but a rockstar all the same so I'm really not interested. Second of all, the place you were looking for is two streets over on the left and thirdly, Nasty, there is a pharmacy over there, please for the love of god freshen yourself up."
"Kippis."He nodded at you."Andy, let's go."
"See you later, doll!"Andy called as Nasty dragged him away.

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