👃🏻Imagine Meeting Rachel Bolan...

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God you hated her sometimes.
You "friend" who wasn't really your friend, just the only one will to go to heavy metal concerts with you, had gone off to god knows where with none other but the lead singer of the band you'd just been to see, Skid motherfucking Row. You didn't think she'd actually manage to catch his attention but she'd been eyeing him up the whole show, eventually flashing him and not even half an hour into the after party had left you alone to go fuck him.
You pushed through the packed crowd to the bar, leaning over and trying to flag down a bartender until you heard a legible voice through the noise.
"Hey! Heyyyy!"A body practically fell onto the bar beside you."Hellooooooo!"
You turned to see a guy with long brown hair and a nose piercing that was attached to a chain smiling at you, he looked oddly familiar and it took a minute until you realised he was the bassist to Skid Row.
"Um hi."You greeted, trying to figure out how drunk he was to be talking to you out of everyone.
"Baz sent me to keep you company,"The man started, squeezing his way past some people to get closer to you so it'd be easier to hear him speak."well actually your friend mentioned to him that she had a friend and he said 'there you go, Rach' but I didn't want to assume-"
"Yeah no offence but I'm not really looking to hook up with anyone at all and I'm not a groupie."You explained.
"Great."Rach smiled."Me neither, doesn't mean we can't hang out."
You sighed and looked him over again. He seemed nice, friendly enough and he was indeed very attractive, as most bassists were, you supposed it couldn't hurt to have someone to talk to.
"Guess it doesn't."You replied, making his smile grow."So Rach?"
"Rachel actually, Rachel Bolan."
"Right, Rachel,"You began, testing out the female name of the man in front of you."how about we go to somewhere where I can actually get a drink?"
You started to make your way through the crowd with Rachel close behind."Don't I get to know your name?"
"Not yet."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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