🎸Imagine Meeting Slash Hudson...

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Steven and Slash grew up together, right?
Well they did now and in this everyone is sixteen.
- Mischa💜

"But right now I think I'll just play the field, you know? Plenty of fish in the sea. So what about you, hmm? Any boys?"
You looked up from where you were laying on your floor, trying your best to do a school project all by yourself because your assigned study partner apparently didn't care. You glared at the blonde boy whose head was dangling upside down from where he lay sprawled on your bed.
"Steven, for the last time unless it's to do with plant reproduction, I don't care."You explained, turning back to the project.
"Aww c'mon."Steven slid of your bed and onto the floor in front of you."It's a kind of reproduction, and if you don't have a boyfriend I have a frie-"
You cut Steven off by putting your hands on either side of his face, surprising him."Look at me. Can you focus? Can you for two seconds pretend that you don't want to fail Biology? Can you do that? Because if you can't so help me god I will break each one of your fucking fingers, I'd like to see you play drums then. So can you focus, Adler?"
Your classmate gulped at your tone."I-"
"STEVEN!!!"A loud yell came from outside your open window."STEVEEEEEEEEEEEN!!! STEVEN!!! ARE YOU THERE, BUDDY?!?!?!"
You looked at the blonde boy in front of you, getting more annoyed which you didn't even think was possible."Who the hell is that?"
Steven smiled guiltily as you removed your hands from his face and stalked over to the window, opening it wider and leaning out to see a boy, wondering around your front garden. Tons of messy, curly hair covering his face was the only discernible feature you could really make out through the dark.
"WOW, STEVEN!!!"The boy yelled again."WHO'S THE HOT CHICK?!?!?!"
You pulled yourself back in, turning to Steven."Hey, Steven, who's the drunk jackass screaming in my garden?"
He scratched the back of his neck nervously."That's my best friend, Saul. You know him, I think you have math with him."
Your eyes widened, it took everything you had to stop your jaw from dropping. Saul motherfucking Hudson was staggering, drunk in your garden. He was practically the most popular boy in your grade, clearly the hottest (at least by your standards, in fact he was most of the reason you were failing math. It was a third, that math was the devil's subject, a third Saul's stunningly good looks and a third the fact that his huge head of hair blocked half of the board.
"And pray tell why he's here?"You questioned Steven again after composing yourself.
He got up and came to meet you beside the window."There was a party, he wanted to go, I said I couldn't come along because I was here with you and it looks like he went."
"And got absolutely shitfaced."You grumbled as Steven leant out the window.
"Hey, man!"He called down with a wave.
He was cut off by a loud belching sound, you immediately pushed Steven out of the way. You could just about make out Saul bent over your mom's rose beds in the front garden. Your garden obsessed mom's rose beds.
"He didn't..."You trailed off."Oh my god."
Leaving Steven standing in your room you rushed downstairs and out into the front garden, switching the porch lights on quickly just before you stepped outside.
Saul was leaning with one hand on the front of your house, wiping his mouth with his other hand. Once he heard you open the door he turned to the side and gave you a queasy smile."Heyyyyyy, baby, wow if I had known Stevie's science partner was so pretty I would've stopped by sooner."
If he was sober and hasn't just spewed chunks all over your garden you would've been flattered, maybe even get flustered at the fact Saul Hudson was flirting with you but now was not the time.
"Get inside."You ordered him, pointing to the door.
"Steeeeeeeven,"He hissed past you. You rolled your eyes to see Steven standing in the doorway."she looks pissed."
You sighed."Just get inside!"


"And here is a bucket in case you need to hurl again."You placed the object beside the couch where Saul was laying. You and Steven had finally managed to get him inside, out of his vomit soaked T shirt and into one of your dad's old ones you hoped he wouldn't miss. You had sent Steven to go water your mom's flowers, mostly to make sure all of Saul's puke was washed away, you had never been more glad your mom didn't trust your dad to go on business trips alone.
"I'll probably need to hurl again."Saul nodded, sleepily. You'd tied his hair up after changing his shirt just to make sure he didn't throw up over it, you'd calmed down enough to appreciate his beauty like you did in school. If it was possible he seemed even more gorgeous when he was tired. He smiled, opening his eyes and yawning."Thank you."
You smiled back."It's the least I could do. You threw up in my mom's rose beds, she's gonna kill you."
"Tomorrow's problem."He waved off."I'm gonna sleep now."
You do that, you laughed a little just as Steven arrived back inside.
"All gone."He reported, leaving the watering can by the door.
"Great. Now can you please finally help me with the project?"You asked him.
Steven frowned."Now, Y/N? C'mon, it's laaaaaaaaate."
"Yeah,"Saul piped up from the couch."it's laaaaaaaate."
You giggled."I thought you were going to sleep."
"Can't sleep."He decided."You two need to stay and keep me company."
"Fine."You shook your head, sitting down with your back to the arm of the couch as Steven flopped into an armchair."What do you want to watch?"

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