one: Elliot Spencer

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  Morning came

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Morning came. The children then woke up to the sound of Jeffy playing a trumpet. "Good morning, everybody, I'm gonna wake up everyone with my new trumpet."

After the children and Sarah walked passed him, Mother Superior came and yelled at him, "AH FUCK! You blow that fucking horn again, I swear to god I will shove that horn in your goddamn ass you, little bastard!" She yelled.

Jeffy then swallowed looking pale. He thought Mother Superior liked waking them up early. Maybe she liked it better if she was doing it. The children started to work the whole day. Cleaning up the place. There was a guest coming, as well as Father Bichir. The children were excite, but it was a lot of work since the place was huge. Soon Father Bichir came and the children cheered and ran to see him.

  "Children!" Mother Superior yelled, "back to work!"

  "Oh come now, Mother Superior, they worked hard enough." Bichir chuckled as they ran and hugged him. Mother Superior just frowned at them and turned to her office. She was just mad. Why did he have to bring in fun for these children?

  Soon it was evening. Bichir was surprised when he heard a man was coming to see one of the children. He was now worried. This man seemed out of character once he walked in the entrance.

  "Mr...Spencer, correct?" He asked.

  "Yes? You must be Bichir. Where are the children?"

"Father Bichir. I believe getting ready sir." He looked at the man. He was cold looking. No emotion, almost like he wasn't human. He dealt with people possessed before but this man was so not human. His eyes dark as evil. His expression was blank.

  "Tell me, you have a favorite here, Mr. Bichir?" Mr Spencer asked.

  "No, sir. I love them all equally and as my own."

  "I see, but would it upset you if the children were taken away?"

  "If they were given good homes, I would miss them, but not that upset. They are like my own and I want the children to have good homes."

  "And by all means, I do too, Mr Bichir."

  Father Bichir remained silent. As well for Mr Spencer. Until the children came in with Mother Superior.

  "Line up. Stand up straight, and be quiet." She said sternly.

  "I can't believe this, dudes, we're gonna get adopted," Joesph said.

"Joesph, she said be quiet," Penelope whispered.

"Scooter is excited. Scooter hopes he gets adopted." Scooter said with a big smile on his face.

Mr Spencer than came forward to the children. Jeffy and Sarah were the ones that remained quiet since they didn't want to get in trouble with Mother Superior. He just walked passed the ones he didn't like until he came to Sarah.He looked down seeing something hidden under her sleeve and frowned, as if he knew what it was, "Nice watch."

"Thank you, sir." Sarah didn't know what to say or even how he noticed it.

"Where did you get it?"

Father Bichir was surprised when Mr Spencer lifted her wrist to examine the device.

"I...I got a gift...from Father Bichir..."

  "Really?" Mr Spencer turned his head towards Father Bichir. Then back to Sarah. Then he turned to Mother Superior, "Can I have a moment with just you and Mr Bichir?"

  "Of course. Children leave!" Mother snapped and the children left. But they stayed by the door to listen.

  "I think I like her. She seems special." Mr Spencer said.

  "Sarah? Well what about the boy next to her?" Father Bichir asked.

  "The one with a blue helmet and yellow shirt that says Jeffy? What about him?"

  "Well those two have a connection. They are very close and don't want to be separated. They can't be separated, Mr Spencer."

  "Sadly I can only afford one, and I like Sarah."


  "Father, please," Mother Superior then turned to Elliott, I will take care of this. I can see you made up your mind, Master?

  Yes I have. She has stolen what we had found. Obviously that device chose her for a reason. She must be the One, Mr Spencer replied to her.

  "Mr Spencer, please, I beg of you. Both Jeffy and Sarah can't be separated."

  "Very well, I think it over night, I will come back tomorrow once I make up my mind. Good day, Mr Bichir, and Superior." He turned and walked out.

  The kids were in shock to what they heard.

  "I don't want us to be separated," Jeffy teared up looking up at Sarah.

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