three: Laurie and Michael

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"I'm so tired," Jeffy whined

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"I'm so tired," Jeffy whined.

"I know, Jeffy, but we have to keep going. Mr Spencer might be at the orphanage by now...and Mother Superior might've just found out we disappeared." Sarah picked up Jeffy and put him on her shoulders as they continued walking through the fields.

At the orphanage...

The sun was rising and Mother Superior woke up. She went to the girls' bedroom only to find Sarah's bedroom was empty. She was ferrous and went to call for the children to wake up.

The children came running out the bedrooms. Sarah and Jeffy were not with them though. Mother Superior frowned seeing this, "Where is Sarah and Jeffy?"

The children didn't speak because they didn't know either.

"Children, Mr Spencer will be here any minute and will adopt Sarah, where is she and Jeffy?"

They still didn't respond.

Suddenly there was a knock. Mother Superior went to the door too see Mr Spencer at the door.

Oh, Master. You are a little early than expected.

I say tomorrow, I mean sunrise, Mother Irene where is she?

Uh...she...she isn't here...

"...WHAT!?" Mr Spencer yelled. He then stormed in with his men and they stormed in the rooms looking for the girl.

"I see the boy is gone too, where are they, Mother Irene?"

"I-I don't know, I woke this morning and I found her and Jeffy gone." The nun panicked.

Mr Spencer turned to her, "Well, let's go find her, shall we?"

Sarah and Jeffy were getting tired now. Almost about to fall down when they heard dogs barking. They were then getting closer and panicked realizing these dogs were coming for them. Sarah then picked up Jeffy and ran with him in her arms. The dogs were with Mr Spencer's men and had picked up their scent.

Sarah then stopped immediately looking down seeing they were at the edge of a cliff. They both looked back and heard them coming closer.

"What do we do, Sis?" Jeffy asked.

"...hang on to me," Sarah held him close and jumped. Jeffy shut his eyes holding onto her tightly. Down below was a river which they plundered into. Sarah gasped for breath once they got to the serface. She held onto her brother as the rapid waters pushed them down further in the river.

The dogs finally came to the cliff and the men and the dogs didn't see them anywhere. Mr Spencer and Mother Superior came to them.

"What is it?" He growled.

"We...uh...lost them."

Mr Spencer frowned hearing this. He pulled out the cube.

"You think that really would help us find the damn children? It just tortures people." The nun said.

"I am not gonna use it to find them, I will use it to talk to me," he said. But his eyes widened as if he was shocked.


" can't tell me anything. As if it doesn't know."

Deep down the forest was a masked man in mechanic uniform chopping trees down for firewood. His sister was in town getting groceries for them. The man's name was Michael Myers. A once famous serial killer that murdered a number of people during Halloween night. But that was in the past...when he was not in control. He was normal now, but in-self secure about his appearance sadly. He had a large scar on one of his eyes. In the past when he was not controlling himself, his sister attacked him with a metal hanger stabbing him in the eye. He had other scars. He did blame part of himself for hurting so many people, but deep down it really wasn't him. It was...

Michael chopped the last one for the day, when he stopped and noticed something in the river. It was a bundle of something. He set the axe down and walked over. Then his eyes widened under his mask. It was a young girl holding a little boy in her arms. But they appeared to be both unconscious. Michael carefully picked up the children and carried them into the cabin. He set them down on his sister's bed and checked their heartbeats. The boy was alright and was breathing fine. He was probably asleep now. But for the girl she appeared to not be breathing. He gently laid her on the floor and placed his hands on her heart giving her cpr.

Sarah finally coughed and water spat out of her mouth. Michael helped her sat up as she coughed. Once she calmed down, she saw him and jumped. Michael held his hands up showing he won't hurt her. Sarah finally calmed down and looked up at him. Michael then pointed her and the boy. He must be asking her who they are.

"I'm...I'm Sarah. And that's Jeffy...we are orphans. But please don't send us back. They would separate us." She cried.

Michael felt bad for her. He patted her shoulder reassuring her. Soon the door opened and Michael went to the door. "Oh, hey Mikey." Laurie stopped and saw the two children.

Jeffy then yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Did we find the fruit loops?"

"Michael, where did you find these kids?"

"Please don't send us back. Jeffy and I will be separated," Sarah teared up.

"Woe Woe," Laurie set the groceries down on the bed, "where did you two come from?"

"...from the orphanage...up the mountain..."

"One run by that creepy nun? Mother Irene?" Laurie asked.

Sarah nodded. "Please don't send us back, a scary man wants to adopt me, but Jeffy and I can't be separated."

"I won't, once you said that place, I knew it was bad news. It's not a good place to live. You kids can stay here."

"With fruit loops?" Jeffy asked.

"...Jeffy likes Fruit Loops," Sarah told them.

"...of course. Let me just run back to the market and get some. Just for you, Jeffy." Laurie smiled, she then turned to Sarah, "would you like anything?"

"...any ramen? Like the spicy kind of they do?"

Laurie smiled, "of course. You kids stay here with Michael. He won't hurt you...he's over with that." She then left.

"Bye mommy," Jeffy waved.

"Jeffy," Sarah whispered, "too soon."

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