Chapter 3

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Two hours pass, and Elia can be seen investigating an incident along with Hazen (Now named Owen) and Bree. "Hmm, I don't see anything off so far." She tells Owen. "Yeah, things seem normal." He says. "Maybe we should ask some of the people." Bree says. The three decide to ask everyone around town, but find their friends Skylar and Madison. "Hey, what are you two doing here?" Bree asks. "Umm, we are on a date." Madison tells her. "And Elia, don't you dare tease us!" She says because whenever they are together, she always teases them. "Huh, Elia, are you okay?" Skylar asks. "Huh, n-no I'm fine it's just." Elia looks away with sadness in her eyes. Owen goes closer to her and asks her. "You miss Miles, don't you?" She turns around and softly says. "Y-yes, but I can't be with him all the time." She looks down and closes her eyes. But, Macie arrives with a more worried look on her face. "Hey, did you get anything?" Bree asks her. "Yeah, hey get Skylar and Madison outta here!" Bree with no hesitation brings the two away while Owen asks what's going on. "What is it, why are you so worried?" She answers his question saying. "There's a giant robot coming towards the city!" Owen's face quickly turns worried and quickly grabs his weapon. Elia also gets ready, but she is slowly getting her emotions getting the best of her. Suddenly, the giant robot jumps through one of the buildings and lands near the group. "I got this!" Macie tells everyone while she lashes out at the legs of the robot! Elia quickly sprints onto the top of the robot, but is quickly knocked off! Macie notices this and picks her up at the nick of time. "Thanks!" Elia compliments her, but Macie seems to hold her a little extra longer. "Umm, you can let go of me now." She tells her which she responds to. But, the robot is slashing at Owen, but he manages to get hit by one of the lasers from it and falls onto the ground. Owen tries to get up, but the robot is about to crush him! "Quick, stop that blade!" Elia tells Macie, she quickly sprints and blocks the giant blade with her sword, but the weight of the robot is too much for her, until she quickly turns into her cybernetic form and uses her strength to grab the robot and throw it into the air. "Yes, yes, split it wide open!" Owen cheers while Macie slashes the back of the robot and she cuts the robot right in half and the click of her sword being sheathed makes the robot break in half. "That was awesome!" Owen cheers while she nods at him. Not far away, Shadow, Eliza, and Evan hear the explosion from the robot and go to investigate. While they run between the crowds of people, Evan stops and the noises from the crowd start to get louder, then his breathing starts to get heavy while he starts to sweat and tears fall from his eyes and can suddenly hear screaming coming from the group. Evan almost faints until Alicia asks what is wrong with him. "Evan, are you okay?" "Y-yeah I-I'm fine." "No you're not! You were crying." "No, my eyes are just watery." Evan walks away from Alicia and the crowd. Once Shadow and Eliza reach the area of the explosion, nothing can be seen but a destroyed building. "What happened?" He asks him. "I don't know, maybe a freak accident?" "I don't know. Hey Eliza-" Shadow is interrupted when Evan arrives at the scene. "What happened?" He asks. "No idea." Eliza tells him. Shadow seems to look down and looks very worried about something. While they figure out what happened, Elia is in a restaurant sitting in front of the counter. She seems to still be upset about Miles. "What's wrong?" One of the girls asks. "Oh nothing, it's just. I just feel lonely." "Well, you were just with your friends." "Yeah but, I miss my boyfriend." "Oh, I see. You know what, have this." The girl gives her a soda which cheers her up a little. "Thanks." She takes the soda and walks out while drinking it. "Take care!" The girl says while giving her a weird smile. Meanwhile, Elia is walking into a field, but her head starts to feel a little wossey. "Ugh, my head." She says while holding her head. But, she suddenly passed out in the field and the sugar of the soda made her pass out.

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