Chapter 8

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Meanwhile, Macie is walking by herself until Miles walks towards her. "Hey, I'm sorry for yelling at you. It's just that I thought you wanted to be back with Elia and-" She interrupts him by his speech. "What, no no no, I don't want to take her away from you! You two are beyond perfect with each other. But, I don't know why I'm starting to have feelings for her again. She told me she likes boys more than girls, and I was okay with that which is why we split up so she can be happy. But, I just-" She gets interrupted when she hears a noise coming from the bushes. "Miles, get outta here!" She tells him. "No, I'm going to help you!" He tells her. "Look, there is no time to argue!" He finally decides to leave and Macie is ready for a battle! "Alright, show yourself!" She taunts the figure hiding in the bushes. Then, the figure that was hiding in the bushes pounces at her and the figure turns out to be one of General's robot raptors, she blocks the attack from the robot and asks it. "And you are?" The raptor looks at her and says. "I am an IF Model Rap-Droid!" She looks at the robot and asks. "IF Model?" The raptor responds with. "Interface prototype, I have a consciousness far beyond any being!" She looks at the raptor and asks. "Alright, if you know everything then tell me, what's the meaning of life? Why are we here?" The raptor then pounces at her, but she manages to dodge it. "I am here to kill you! If I disobeyed an order, my memory would be wiped!" The raptor says while screeching at her. "Heh, what's the point of a intelect if you can't use it?" She taunts the robot. "Your taunting is pointless, exterminate!" The raptor quickly starts lashing at Macie, but she manages to block most of the attacks with her sword. "I will obliterate your consciousness!" The robot screeches, but Macie manages to land a hit which causes the raptor to call for backup. "I need reinforcements!" It says while it screeches and three robot soldiers appear and start attacking her! "Huh, really?" She taunts. She quickly grabs the head of one of the robots and rips the spine clean off! The other one gets his head ripped off and the last one gets its arms ripped off! While the soldiers are defeated, the raptor manages to pounce on her and bite her arm! She yelps in pain, but quickly grabs the lower jaw of the raptor and rips it right off! "S-stop!" The raptor pleads, but she cuts the raptor right in half! She sheaths her sword and poses. Miles can be heard clapping in the distance. "That was pretty impressive!" He says sarcastically. "I did better than you." Insulting him, the two laugh and go to meet up with the other members.

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