Chapter 4

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Two days later, Elia walks through the door into her house. "Elia?" Everyone says while they hug her. "Ugh, what is it?" She says. "Where were you?" Everyone asks her. "Oh, well I went to get a drink and I guessed the sugar of the soda made me pass out in a field. Oh I really did it this time, how much did I drink?" All of her family turned from worried to upset. "Really, that's why you were gone for two days? You made us worried sick!" Her mother tells her. "W-what?" She says while holding her head. "Yeah, kinda messed up!" Her older brother tells her. "B-but I-" She is interrupted by her sister. "I can't believe you!" She tells her. "What!" Elia looks at Razor while he whines and his ear goes down, which really hits her. Evan walks towards her. "Hmph!" He looks at her with a frustrated look on his face. All of the talking causes Miles to wake up, he quickly runs down the stairs, but quickly stops when he hears what she says. "I don't understand, why are all of you so angry at me? All I did was drink a little too much, come on Kelly you do the same." Her sister looks at her and says. "Yeah, but I don't go for two freaking days!" Her yelling startles her, and when Miles hears about what happened, his face turns from relieved, to anger. "You were lucky you weren't killed!" He shouts which gets everyone's attention. "Huh? Calm down love, you don't need to worry that much about me, I can take care of myself." She tells him, but he ignores her comment. "No, you can't take care of yourself! Tell me why you are always with your friends, tell me why you are always with me, tell me why you always are hurt in battle!" Elia's starts to become sad over Miles yelling at her. "W-what's that supposed to mean?" She asks him, but he instantly responds to her question. "You obviously know what it means Elia!" He yells at her. Elia walks past Miles and stops once behind him. "I thought you understood that I am actually very strong, but am I actually someone you have such little trust in? Am I weak to you too?" She turns around and with a betrayed look on her face and the couple start arguing. "No answer? I see." She tells him. "Look, I know you don't like being called weak, but you have to accept that you are!" "Really? That's what you think? Is this the reason you never want to be with me?" "W-wait, n-no I-" "I thought you understood me, I guess I was wrong!" The argument makes everyone else very uncomfortable and they all leave while the two continue arguing. "If you don't already believe in me from something like this, then there is no point in trying to convince you!" "..." "Go away, I'll stay out of trouble!" Miles walks out of the house, but before he leaves he puts his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, I might be mad at you, but that doesn't change my-" Elia quickly moves her shoulder away from his hand. "No, don't touch me! Just leave me alone for a while!" Miles walks out of the house while Elia stands there for a second. "H-hey, w-we didn't mean to cause an argument with him." Kelly tells her while she walks towards her. But still upset, She turns around and shoves Kelly to the side while walking up the stairs into her room. She can be heard slamming the door shut in her room. "I hope she will be okay!" Her mom says. Elia slowly walks into her room, but filled with rage, she throws everything in her room while screaming, the noise makes everyone walk into her and see her break one of the action figures in her room while she sits on the ground and starts crying. Evan walks away because he never has dealt with romantic feelings before, but her sister has and she goes towards her. "Hey, look at me. I know it's hard dealing with an argument, I've dealt with my boyfriend before, everyone has. But we still love each other very much, and you are young and hate dealing with arguments because of your past, but just you should give him and yourself some time." Elia looks at her and asks. "So, it means that I won't ruin our relationship?" She looks at her and says. "No, in fact it makes your relationship stronger." Elia smiles and hugs her sister and the two start to watch TV together. While that happens, Miles is walking towards his house, but he is being followed by some demons. Filled with anger, he destroys every demon in the process! While he vanquishes all of them, he stops and looks over a side of a cliff and thinks to himself. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I should have asked if you were okay instead of snap at you. I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll deserve your forgiveness." While he broods, his sibling walks towards him. "Hey, are you alright?" He still looks at the edge of the cliff, but tells them what's wrong. "No, I'm not okay. I messed up!" They look at him and ask. "Why, what did you do?" He turns around and looks at them. "I had an argument with Elia. What happened was that she was missing for 2 days and everyone including me was worried sick! But, it turns out she just had too much sugar and passed out. Then, I heard everyone in her family argue with her, but I snapped and yelled at her and I called her pathetic. And I don't know if our relationship is ruined." They walk towards him and ask. "Was there a reason why she drank so much?" He looks at them and says. "She always drinks because she loves soda." They look at him and say. "Sometimes, people use drinking to stop thinking about things they are worried or upset about." Miles stops and thinks about it. "I guess you are right, you are always the straight n.b in our family." They laugh and the two hug, but what will everyone else do about this new divide?

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