Hi there! My name is Firewind and I'm a magical hybrid! I can teleport, fly, summon items, and more importantly I can travel between worlds instantly. I will interact with different Danplan universes with different ships and different backstories. I...
Elias: Hey yo, Goldilocks! Your drinks ready. Jay: grabs cup Jay: sees they wrote Jae Jay: Um sir? My name is spelled with a y, not an e. Elias: in a sweet tone Oh, I am so sorry. glares at Jay Now drink. Jay: walks back to his seat annoyed
Jay: grabs cup and sees they wrote Jack Jay: Are you sure this one's mine? Elias: Pretty sure, Sunflower. Jay: Don't ever call me that again.
Jay: sees they wrote Jayden Jay: You had it. You fucking had it! Why oh why did you have to go and add more letters!? Are you even trying anymore!? Elias: I was supposed to try?
Jay, already at his seat: Wonder what his dumbass wrote this time. Jay: sees they wrote Joy of my life Jay: blushing Oh. Elias, watching from afar: turns to Dan And that my dear brother is how you get a guy. I believe you owe me fifty bucks now. Daniel: gives him the moneyannoyed
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