Chapter 3

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After Mother Firefly left the living room to go make dinner, my family continued watching the movie while making small talk with Baby.

Eventually, she led us to the dining room and told us to sit down at the table. The table was covered in various colors and sizes of candles, all of which were lit. We each took our seats, with the addition of two other men—an old, foul-mouthed, and vulgar man, and an abnormally tall and deformed man. Baby introduced them to us as Grandpa Hugo and Tiny.

Mother Firefly walked into the dining room with trays of food and took her seat, which left a single empty chair right next to me.

Please don't be for Otis. Please don't be for Otis. Please don't be for Otis. Please don't be for—

"Otis!" Mother Firefly exclaimed, "I'm so happy ya came down for dinner!"

I reluctantly looked behind me, and, lo and behold, it was the man who had forced himself on me just moments before.

Otis walked over and took his seat next to me. I glanced over at him, and I could see that stupid smirk that seemed to always be on his face. We didn't exchange any words about what happened between us, only glances every now and then. I'm glad we simultaneously agreed to not mention it; my parents would have killed me if they found out I made out with anyone, much less a complete stranger who was  over twice my age.

Dinner consisted of Hugo making his obscene jokes, much to my mother's dismay, Otis looking my way from time to time while I tried my best to ignore him, Mother Firefly asking my family even more questions, and Baby looking from me to Otis back to me again, as if she were implying something. Tiny kept to himself, only listening to our conversations.

When we were all done eating, Mother Firefly stood up and looked out the window. "Still raining," she reported back to us, "so it looks like y'all will be stayin' the night with us!"

"I guess so," my mom replied, still upset that we couldn't make any extra progress to get to our house. "I mean, again, if it's not too much trouble for you all."

"Oh, don't worry yourself 'bout it," Mother Firefly assured her. "Shall we discuss sleepin' arrangements?"

"Cassie can stay the night with me," I heard Otis say from behind me. He lightly swung his arm around my shoulders, which, in addition to what he just said, sent chills down my spine. I'm almost certain he could tell I was uneasy.

"Absolutely not. No way," My mom and dad said in unison. "We can all just stay together in the living room, if that's okay."

Otis removed his arm from my shoulder, huffed out a sigh, and glared at my parents. I tried my best to avoid his gaze. "Whatever," he said, obviously displeased. He stormed out of the dining room.

My parents gave me a questioning look, since they didn't know what happened between Otis and me. Don't look at me, I thought, I'm not the one who suggested I stay in his room.

"Of course, y'all can stay in the living room, I'll go get y'all some pillows and blankets," Mother Firefly told us before exiting the room.

Tiny and Hugo both walked out after Mother Firefly, and Baby escorted us back into the living room. I decided to sleep on the loveseat, my parents shared the large couch, and my sister slept on the floor.

I changed into my "pajamas", which was just a pair of short shorts and a black crop top. I sat down on the loveseat and tried to find some comfort so I could sleep. I wasn't sure how I was able to calm myself; after both encounters with Otis, I started to feel more and more uneasy with this family.

I woke up suddenly and felt a hand shaking my shoulder. It was pitch black, and I was groggy from just waking up, so I wasn't able to see who had woken me.

"C'mon, get up."


Of course. It just had to be him. Just my luck.

I did what he said, he obviously had a short temper. I didn't want to make him any more mad than he already was. For the second time that night, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me up to his room. This time, however, I didn't get a chance to admire his drawings. He shoved me roughly into the room and onto his bed.

I landed on my back, and he was immediately on top of me. He pressed his lips to mine again, and I immediately returned the kiss. He pushed my legs apart and started grinding his pelvis into mine. I could feel everything through the thin fabric of my shorts.

Just like earlier, I couldn't stop myself from enjoying this experience. Our bodies kept getting hotter and sweatier as we entwined our tongues. Otis lightly put his hands around my neck, then moved down to my chest, grabbing a breast in each hand. He played with them for a moment before gliding his hands further down to the hem of my shorts.

Otis backed away from me for a moment, in order to remove my shorts. Internally, I knew I should say something. I should try to stop him. This isn't right, I haven't even known him for a day. He could have an assortment of STDs, and I wouldn't even know.

But I couldn't stop myself, and neither could he.

After removing my shorts, he pressed his hand against my crotch, feeling me through my underwear. I internally cringed, not because of what Otis was doing, but out of embarrassment. I was ashamed of how wet I had gotten from just making out and touching. Otis didn't seem to care.

He stopped rubbing me and stood up, I could only make out his silhouette in the dim lighting of his room. He promptly removed my underwear from my body and threw the discarded clothes across the room. He stood in front of me, while I watched, and started removing his own clothes.

As I watched him, I swear I was getting wetter, if that was even possible. When he was done undressing himself, he leaned over me again.

"You a virgin?"

"Yeah," I said, growing more embarrassed. From what he's shown me, Otis was clearly experienced. I had pretty much no experience, and I was afraid that I might mess something up.

"Don't worry," he said, most likely feeling that I was nervous. "I'll be gentle."

"Gentle" is not the word I would have used.

He thrust himself inside of me in one quick movement, taking the breath out of me. He quickly silenced my gasp by joining our mouths.

After the initial shock, he did slow down to an almost-gentle pace. The pain I felt quickly evolved into pleasure, and both of our moans filled the empty space. I silently hoped that my family was asleep and they wouldn't hear us. I can only imagine what they would do to me, much less what they would do to Otis.

It wasn't until now that I realized he didn't use any sort of protection. I knew it was wrong and I should've stopped him, but I couldn't bring myself to. I was enjoying it entirely too much. My earlier assumptions of Otis being experienced were definitely understatements.

It seemed like he knew the exact things to do to make both of us feel good. He knew the right speed, the right rhythm, the right places to touch. Otis was incredible in bed.

I started wondering just how he got so good at it, but my thoughts were interrupted as I started reaching my climax. I was overcome with pleasure, nothing I could do by myself could make me feel this way.

Otis and I both climaxed at the same time. He didn't make any effort to pull out, and he plunged deep inside me when he finished.

That night, I thanked God for birth control.

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