Chapter 4

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Otis and I breathed heavily for a few moments, with him hovering over me. He gave me a kiss before pulling out of me and standing up. I was frozen in place, trying to wrap my head around what just happened. After coming to my senses, I got up while Otis put his clothes back on. He picked up my discarded clothes from the floor and tossed them to me, and I started getting dressed.

"Ya want some water?" he asked me.

"Yeah, that'd be great, thanks," I said, still out of breath.

He promptly left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I couldn't believe my first time was so incredibly amazing. I also couldn't believe that I lost my virginity to someone I barely knew. I sat down on the bed after getting dressed, and let out a long sigh of content.

He returned later, holding a glass of water. I thought it looked kind of cloudy, but I figured it was just the dim lighting and my dazed mind. I graciously took it from him and slowly took a few sips. He watched me drink from the glass, took the glass from me when I was done, and set it on his nightstand.

I quickly grew tired, I assumed from my adrenaline wearing off. Otis pulled me into his arms, and we laid down together. I almost instantly fell asleep.

When I woke up, Otis was no longer in bed with me. I sat up, recalling last night's events. I remembered that my family was still downstairs.  Shit, I thought, if my parents knew I was up here, they'd kill me.

Before I could work myself into too much of a frenzy, the door opened, and Otis walked in.

"Good mornin', sleepy head," he said, with a slight mocking tone on "sleepy head."

"G'morning," I said groggily, not yet fully recovered from waking up.

"Sleep well?"


Otis walked over to the bed and sat next to me. He grasped my head in his hands and pulled me into a kiss.

For the first time, I backed away slightly. "My parents are gonna kill me if they know I'm up here," I tried telling him, worried about what my parents would've thought after not seeing me in the living room when they woke up.

"Now don't you worry your pretty little head 'bout them," he said before pulling me into another kiss. "Besides, I got somethin' to show ya."

He stood up and pulled me to my feet with him. He walked us over to the corner of his room where a curtain was blocking off the corner.

"Close your eyes," he ordered, and I did as he said.

I felt him step away from me and heard the curtain hooks rattle against the curtain rod. I soon felt his presence behind me, and he seemed more tense than usual.

"Open 'em."

I opened my eyes. I immediately regretted doing so.

In front of me was one of the most gruesome sights I have ever seen. There was a bloody amalgamation of various limbs sewn together. Three heads were attached to the body of a large dog, and the dog's legs had been replaced with human arms and legs. Upon closer inspection, I could see that the heads were those of my mom, dad, and sister.

Before I could process what I was seeing, I felt Otis's grip on me tighten, and I felt a sharp, cold blade come to rest against my throat. I stood there, petrified.

Neither of us said anything for a while; Otis must have been waiting for my reaction, but I was in complete shock.

After realizing that I was too terrified to say anything, Otis asked, "So, ya like it? I call it 'Cerberus.'"

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