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But at who???
Shocks to see the buzzing hall torn paradox, turns seeing the youngest doctor of the City gold hospital and gorgeous of all emerges a tall slim built man enters the cafeteria which is leading to his office at 33rd floor at the extreme elevator. Scoffs at their drooling, heads to his newly acquainted office passes over them; this ladies are really frightening me" enters the elevator, presses the 33rd denotation button leaves the perimeter.
Ah ladies, I'm off" leaves sinach and Mary. Wait for me we came here together, bye sinach! Ah stay well, looks at the duo leaving the cafeteria.
Uh what a day,gazes at the time which shines 8:00am, at least I have a leave tomorrow, relieves out over the strenuous work of yesterday evening; ah let's be going aunt and sis will be waiting.
Good morning sir; as his assistant John enters the spacious office. Good morning John looks at the dark tall figure with a double eye, wearing a green subtle pattern suit. Closes the door behind him, Sir a call got in!. What is it? toggles on his message on his smart phone, a lobectomy sir,it will be on Tuesday sir.
"Fii okay thanks, you can leave, turns to the large opaque window showcasing the busy street of Ogu, uh what a pain" rubs his temple,hmm life snippet.
Eh! What's by the time, Anne stands from her bed heads towards the kitchen,this is 2:23pm, what happened anyway, squint's trying to figure. Uh I got a fever; thank goodness manager chike agreed for my leave, smiles washes her hand at the running tap, offs the tap then cleans her hand with a hand towel.
Anne Ofunaya who's the Financial chief of the Bloom enterprise branch in the city, fair, tall with a choking beauty,a pointed nose and a reddish braided Hair.
I.., let take a stroll at least some fresh air'; went in to freshen up, out with a purple top matching with a blue torso, suiting a pink Snickers.
I wander where will I head to?, Okay the evergreen park hehe. Leaves her apartment sauntering the faxe estate,Nneoma will be delighted if surprise her with a visit, heads to the extreme end of the yellow pathway, seeing her friend with her boyfriend Nelson, leaving the estate with a burgundy spintweb". That's was unexpected of them", so means I'm on my own for today once more,hmmph this is unfair, leaves the environment on foot.   
Where are you going sir??, Any problem, leaves to the elevator. Somewhere alone disappeared from his sight. Enters the first floor leading to the exit.
Good afternoon sir greets the nurses, good afternoon caves a  little smirk, hears the giggles loudly this time
Good afternoon sir, Udo greets doc hope; senior officer of the great hospital. Afternoon young one, how is everything moving?, Smiles to the youngest doctor at stage, I'm fine doc heads to the exit, where are you going?. Somewhere, leaves the premises". What a lad didn't wait till I finish...
Ahh nothing good as the fresh air of the street, good afternoon sir, good afternoon boy, smiles to the school boy.
Heads to the spark bar which is mile away from the hospital, enters the opulent bar". Sits at the barstool looks around, orders a Odo cocktail". hmmm scoffs at the flinging scent of cologne and liquor, bartender lands with the drink.
Thanks!, Smiles to the middle age you must be new one; doc Udo right??, Shines a schooner, yes how do you know?. Looks around, naw you would soon be world wide man!, Leaves to the other side. Sips his drink nonchalantly, catches sight of a lady approaching''.
Hello, hello, how are you??, Looks to the mysterious lady, who are you??, Ah you must be new here right?stuns him with a smile, my name is Ofunaya Anne and you must be... Yes I'm what's on your mind.
Do you care for a drink??, Yah a soft drink. Which one?, Ehm hife smooth drink, smirks.looks at the handsome man surreptitiously, with a purple pigmented senator, his affluent at this and cool, giggles with her hand covering her mouth. Ok, waiter! I need a hife smooth drink please, Soo, feeling timid towards the Weird guy. Ssoo what do you want to say? Ehm are you interested ??, Tangles her hair anxiously.
In what.. here is your drink for your lady, giggles. Here you go, hands over to her.
So you wanted to say something right!.yah are you interested in a book... clubbb, stammers. Okay I will think of that, "seriously" what is she planning??.
Okay beams with joy inside, okay see you at park, I mean Evergreen park or let's.. collect..I mean share number!. Mm, smiles uneasy turns back to his drink.As the shared numbers, okay thanks for the company, waiter! Drops the money for the bill. Ehm your change, keep it.
Storms out of the bar, what's with him. Are you with him?. Na, okay enjoy leaves the confused Anne. may be..

What did I put myself into.....

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